Where do you draw the line-Is this smokable?


Active Member
Greetings to all,

Let's not waste any time: I have really old plants; they were planted in July and are in their twenty-first week of flowering. I've gotten two or three harvests out of them already, but I should've taken them down when I harvested the last few colas 3 weeks ago. Instead, I decided to see what would happen if I put them on 24/7 lighting. I saw a little bit of new growth, but they mostly started dying off. I have four different plants. One is still green, another started turning purple and yellow, another is pretty much all yellow, and the fourth is pretty much dead. Are there any health risks involved with smoking dying and/or dead buds?

I don't have my camera at my house right now but I can post pics if I need to.

Cheers everybody!


Active Member
What if the plants are dying before the harvest? Can you dry and cure buds that were already dying or dead?


Well-Known Member
this is deep .lol if it aint got mold "GO" for it Chop those fuckers and move on to the drying stage, curing


Active Member
yea man if anything the none green leaves (yellow and dead) won't taste as green because lots of the nitrogen will be gone! :D

There I times I question why I smoke this or that...


Well-Known Member
As long as there is no mold smoke away.

I'd give my left nut for that old garbage right about now... Damn spider mites!

If it has mold or tastes like poo you could just harvest bubble hash from it.


Well-Known Member
well you only need one nut so your not giving up much lol
I had a vasectomy so they're both just spares. :)

Might give me a chance to get that plastic surgery I've been thinking about...
The nutsack lift.

My age is starting to show there with the sag. :)


Well-Known Member
Dude thats a good idea,:idea::shock: but my ball sag too and when i tea bag people it's much easier to swing around. Ha!!:leaf:


Well-Known Member
dip your balls in ice water, instant lift! lol
I too, had a vasectomy, a week later I read a new report that vasectomy's lead to senility. Great, worthless nuts, make you a nut! lOl


Well-Known Member
Thats the best fucking idea i ever heard . simple so when im high i wont forget to dip my balls in ice water right b4 i attempt to leave my house.. >>DEAD<<

Good shit lol


Well-Known Member
Hell yea. I'll just do the dip before any action.

Excuse me for a sec I need to get a glass of ice and go to the bathroom... But two seconds later I would look like a whole new man. :)


Well-Known Member
the real question is, When you are all done, spent, sweaty, and panting, you're going to get thirsty.... Do you drink the ice water or get up go ALL THE WAY to the kitchen and get a fresh un-ball soaked glass of water?


Well-Known Member
Well if you have to dip during the action then you probably would make it salty, but I like to be clean before so the only risk is a pube getting in there.

Which happens all the time directly anyway...Really...



Well-Known Member
LOL!!!!! WOW you guys crack me up.... well I guess I'll remember the cold glass of ice water when I'm old and saggy..... ...... wow.... *chuckles*


Well-Known Member
aHaAaHa!! dUDE!! you need to trim that shit a lil. Keep it under population control.. Or suffer[PIYTS] Pubes in you throat syndrome.