Where do you get cool shirts?

One time back in the days.. I bought me and all the nearby un-housed folk suits from value village, and some beer too. Well, they had to buy the beer for me because a store taken my fake ID away, and one thing led to another..

It was 1/2 off tag sales for nearly the whole rack, and some were expensive high end suits!

Walked around town demanding respect for an hour or 2 with my new posse of gangsters. We meant business, and everybody knew it. Still the best $100 I've ever spent to date.. haha
One time back in the days.. I bought me and all the nearby un-housed folk suits from value village, and some beer too. Well, they had to buy the beer for me because a store taken my fake ID away, and one thing led to another..

It was 1/2 off tag sales for nearly the whole rack, and some were expensive high end suits!

Walked around town demanding respect for an hour or 2 with my new posse of gangsters. We meant business, and everybody knew it. Still the best $100 I've ever spent to date.. haha
That's one of the coolest stories I've heard. I think I'll attempt something like that, minus the beer 8-)