Where do you get your magnifying glass or Microscope or whatever?

Im thinking maybe 2 of my chocolope plants are about ready maybe another week week and a half. The plants hairs are turning red from top to bottom and I want to buy somethin to get a close look at the trichromes so I know for sure.

T Ray

Well-Known Member
Well if that's the case get a nice camera with a good macro setting on it. Then all you have to do is take close up photo's and magnify/crop your photo and you can get sick pictures like these and check your trich's at the same time.


T Ray

Well-Known Member
Thats badass what kind of camera Megapixel/settings do you need for that

I personally use a Nikon Coolpix 8100, but there are many out there that do the job. The key is to make sure that it has a macro setting that get's really close. Mega pixels aren't as important as it's macro capabilities. This camera here you can get as close as 1cm (0.4 inches). The camera's with this type of macro run in the minimum of $250 to $300 range. Check out my photo album in my profile and you'll see what a camera with a good macro can do.


Active Member
Flea Mart! coin dealers carry loupes. I got a 60x led lighted for $8 and keep your eyes peeled on the way to that table, maybe pick up a microscope for $2


Well-Known Member
Illuminated 45x loupe from Ebay for $3 will work fine. Just allow a few weeks to ship from Asia.

Another few bucks will get you the same thing shipped from the USA and you should get it in a week or so.