Where Do You Go When You Die?

Advaita Vedanta (IAST, Advaita Vedānta; Sanskrit: अद्वैत वेदान्त, literally, not-two), originally known as Puruṣavāda,[1][note 1] is a school of Hindu philosophy and religious practice, and one of the classic Indian paths to spiritual realization.[2] The term Advaita refers to its idea that the soul (true Self, Atman) is the same as the highest metaphysical Reality (Brahman). The followers of this school are known as Advaita Vedantins, or just Advaitins,[3]and they seek spiritual liberation through acquiring vidyā (knowledge)[4]of one's true identity as Atman, and the identity of Atman and Brahman.[5][6][7]

Advaita Vedanta traces its roots in the oldest Upanishads. It relies on three textual sources called the Prasthanatrayi. It gives "a unifying interpretation of the whole body of Upanishads",[8] the Brahma Sutras, and the Bhagavad Gita.[9][10] Advaita Vedanta is the oldest extant sub-school of Vedanta,[note 2] which is one of the six orthodox (āstika) Hindu philosophies (darśana). Although its roots trace back to the 1st millennium BCE, the most prominent exponent of the Advaita Vedanta is considered by the tradition to be 8th century scholar Adi Shankara.[11][12][13]

Vedanta means “End of the Vedas.” Meaning a reformation of Vedic thought.
Science asserts intelligent design.
Nonsense. Evolutionary biology says there are factors which guide evolution, but not that they are intelligent. Random genetic mutation is the mechanism, and the selector is the environment. Traits which are beneficial, or at the very least not detrimental, are usually propagated to the next generation. There is not intelligence guiding anything.

Something’s guiding evolution. This is Hindu/Sramanic/Vedic/Buddhist/Jain/Sikh thought since at least 2,800 BCE. They knew about atoms back then,
Really? Because Neil Bohr was the first person to discover the atom, although there were some Greeks around 5 BCE that theorized that there might be a "smallest particle".

and had a deep understanding of astrology, metallurgy, quantum physics, and generally, much of what modern and post-modern science is rediscovering after writing off as either heresy or nonsense. This school of thought also is the basis for modern psychology. Psyche means soul. The Study of the Soul.

You think ancient Hindu's had a deep understanding of Quantum Mechanics? :D lol You taking the piss?

Modern psychology certainly does not seek to mend "the soul", regardless of the origins of the word.
Nonsense. Evolutionary biology says there are factors which guide evolution, but not that they are intelligent. Random genetic mutation is the mechanism, and the selector is the environment. Traits which are beneficial, or at the very least not detrimental, are usually propagated to the next generation. There is not intelligence guiding anything.

Really? Because Neil Bohr was the first person to discover the atom, although there were some Greeks around 5 BCE that theorized that there might be a "smallest particle".

You think ancient Hindu's had a deep understanding of Quantum Mechanics? :D lol

Modern psychology certainly does not seek to mend "the soul", regardless of the origins of the word.


So, he speculated about atoms....

He used exactly zero science. If I make guesses about things, chances are a few of them will be right. What exactly do you think this proves?
I’m saying, you’re ignorant, and if you investigate, you’ll find that you’re ignorant. In the literal sense of the word.
I’m saying, you’re ignorant, and if you investigate, you’ll find that you’re ignorant. In the literal sense of the word.

If I'm ignorant, you're gullible.

What science do you think buddy used to demonstrate atoms exist? Guessing =/= testing; testing = science.

Did he use some sort of empirical test to prove atomic theory?
If I'm ignorant, you're gullible.

What science do you think buddy used to demonstrate atoms exist? Guessing =/= testing; testing = science.

Did he use some sort of empirical test to prove atomic theory?
I’m not here to convince you, but if you experiment with Ayahuasca, you’ll see what I mean. I’d bet money on it.

In the Vedas, Ayahuasca is called Soma. It is a legitimate sacrament allowing communion between your consciousness and that of the Universe. That will prove to you it is conscious. Because you will meet it yourself.
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You better be good at mental gymnastics to attempt to spin some of this crap into anything that could be the least bit scientific.

What do you think any of this proves, anyways?

“This earth is devoid of hands and legs, yet it moves ahead. All the objects over the earth also move with it. It moves around the sun.” - Proof of Gravity?? LOL

‘[When] Hanuman travelled thousands of kilometers to swallow it thinking of it as a fruit’. - Proof of the distance to the sun?? LOL

There are so many others to comment on, how anyone could attribute any of this nonsense to science is beyond me.
Doing mind altering drugs and experiencing 'someting' is proof of nothing other than you are on mind altering drugs.

When your reality is altered, you experience an altered reality..... crazy huh?
Doing mind altering drugs and experiencing 'someting' is proof of nothing other than you are on mind altering drugs.

When your reality is altered, you experience an altered reality..... crazy huh?
You better be good at mental gymnastics to attempt to spin some of this crap into anything that could be the least bit scientific.

What do you think any of this proves, anyways?

“This earth is devoid of hands and legs, yet it moves ahead. All the objects over the earth also move with it. It moves around the sun.” - Proof of Gravity?? LOL

‘[When] Hanuman travelled thousands of kilometers to swallow it thinking of it as a fruit’. - Proof of the distance to the sun?? LOL

There are so many others to comment on, how anyone could attribute any of this nonsense to science is beyond me.
Proof is in experience. If you do this, I will bet you will agree that what I have said is true. I will even bet that you will apologize, because you will have met it, yourself.
“People who have consumed ayahuasca report having spiritual revelations regarding their purpose on earth, the true nature of the universe as well as deep insight into how to be the best person they possibly can.[37] This is viewed by many as a spiritual awakening and what is often described as a rebirth.[38] In addition, it is often reported that individuals feel they gain access to higher spiritual dimensions and make contact with various spiritual or extra-dimensional beings who can act as guides or healers.[39]
Proof is in experience. If you do this, I will bet you will agree that what I have said is true. I will even bet that you will apologize.
I disagree. Proof is NOT inexperience in all cases.

If you are explicitly altering your perception of reality, and your ability to tell what's real and what's not, there's a good chance that what you're experiencing isn't real regardless of how real it seems.

The "realness" you perceive has no bearing on whether or not your experience is actually real. If a schizophrenic person has an experience that feels real to them to the point it's indistinguishable from reality, it has no bearing on actual reality.
I disagree. Proof is NOT inexperience in all cases.

If you are explicitly altering your perception of reality, and your ability to tell what's real and what's not, there's a good chance that what you're experiencing isn't real regardless of how real it seems.

The "realness" you perceive has no bearing on whether or not your experience is actually real. If a schizophrenic person has an experience that feels real to them to the point it's indistinguishable from reality, it has no bearing on actual reality.
You will know this is real. Not a hallucination. Like I said, I am confident in it. So, proof relies on you calling my bluff.
Tripping out is proof of nothing. It absolutely is a hallucination, and there is absolutely no evidence that it isn't.
It’s not tripping.

So, if you’ve even done DMT, what was your experience? What’s it like to break through?

Sounds like you’re simply a skeptic. I doubt you’ve done legitimate DMT.