Where does it go?


Well-Known Member
ok so i was just thinking, where does it go??? all the buds produced as a byproduct of breeders? i mean thats A LOT of bud. does it just get sold out at coffee shops? do they destroy it? kinda curious as to what they do with it, i wouldn't think they'd sell that much of it once they've pulled it apart to get seeds out....

any ideas?


Well-Known Member
ok lol, if you could that would be awsome but thats about 4.38 oz a day or about 123 grams. thats A LOT of grass, how are they going to work if they are smoking that much lol

seriously tho, what do they do with it? just turn it into baked goods/make hash for cooking/selling? not sure what else they could do with it to turn a profit


Well-Known Member
probably all of these above. I mean marijuana is such a lucrative business. If only it were legal everywhere.....all countries would have a surplus.


theres more than 1 person generally in the op...

lots of people help with trimming usually
and popping seeds would be tedious, and i'd get my friends over to help

and with how heavilly seeded their buds are (remmeber, they're intentionally seeding the crap out of their plants) there isn't nearly as much smoking material...