Where have all the good people gone

I've had my moments with you too, lol.
I try to be on my best behavior. If life's getting stressful or I'm dealing with bs I can be short with people. Honestly, I've been dealing with some mental health issues with my dad lately and have a fuck the world attitude. No time for for silly shit even though I'm still here in the forums. I know it's my bad, but we get some good laughs here and there along the way.
Cool brother, when we exchange ideas sometimes shit happens. It`s all good.
No man I get. Even though I was trying to help you, I know I came off like a dick. It's not my nature for the most part. Gonna drop 3ish grams off mushrooms tomorrow and try to get back to my spiritual side. Need some healing on the inside. I love helping people, but when your heart isn't in it, it comes off wrong.
I lived in Bakersfield and Taft.

Explains much (no offense Huck) ;)

I traveled extensively in Cali.
It sucked.

1. Most Native Californians don't call it "Cali"
2. When you travel, you mostly get what you give - sounds like you gave "Suck".

The weed was overpriced.

This one I agree with - that's why I grow my own.

The girls were used up.

Maybe in the neighborhoods you rolled in... :spew:

And the people had big egos.

There's more to California than LA and whatever NoHo restaurant your worked in.

I came home to sunny Virginia and never looked back.

And everyone hopes you stay there - except maybe for your new neighbors.

From the beaches to the mountains, we got Cali whooped.

Finally - the subjective opinion you've been trying to shart out this whole time.
How about a nice big bowl of FUCK OFF for generalizing about people.
Did your mama teach you to think like that? :P