where is a good place to grow outdoors on public land?


where is a good place to grow outdoors on public land? i just had my entire 2009 grow stolen on me and i was left with 2 grams or so worth of premature buds, im wondering where some of you guys grow yours so that this never happens again lol


Well-Known Member
ya you should put double the plants out cause chances are you either gonna get them stolen or there gonna die


Well-Known Member
THERE IS NO GOOD PLACE... my friend several years ago tried this.. he got got caught. i know you can get desperate tryin to grow and finding places to grow, but lets track this logic... i am willing to give up my freedom to grow some pot where i am likely to get caught. doesn't make sense to me and it shouldn't to you


Active Member
you wanna know where nobody finds pot growing.

in places nobody goes.

pick the shitiest terrain farther in the backswamp than the gators will go. up ravines that goats leave alone.

if you came in on a trail, your in the wrong spot

and many heartfelt condolences on your crop :-(


Well-Known Member
you wanna know where nobody finds pot growing.

in places nobody goes.

pick the shitiest terrain farther in the backswamp than the gators will go. up ravines that goats leave alone.

if you came in on a trail, your in the wrong spot

and many heartfelt condolences on your crop :-(
yess , take this advice .. and start 20 or so plants ,, put 4 here , 4 there ,, ya know ,, and use fishing line to keep deer out , mothballs work too


Well-Known Member
where is a good place to grow outdoors on public land? i just had my entire 2009 grow stolen on me and i was left with 2 grams or so worth of premature buds, im wondering where some of you guys grow yours so that this never happens again lol
The successful guerrilla growers I know never put more than 10-plants in an area, have multiple plots and all are located so far off the beaten path in the mountains that no one including hunters is going to stumble across them. They're all camped out right now at their sites, armed, with people backpacking in supplies on a weekly basis. At harvest time the suppliers will assist with that and help haul the crops out.

There's no easy way. Those people basically live from April to early October caring for their crops.

In my rural area there are a lot of scumbags that do nothing but search for unattended plots as harvest gets closer to rip them off.


Active Member
i feel yah man, somebody stole half my plant, who the fuck steals half a plant ? wasnt even ready to smoke fuckin idiot


Well-Known Member
DON'T GROW ON PUBLIC LAND!!!!!!! I mean it sucks that your shit got taken and all but you shouldn't be growing there....That land is not for that....


Well-Known Member
plant in a thorn bush forrest or somewhere u p a mountain......you gotta pick the good place somewhere you know nobody is going to go or has been through before

tomato worm

Growing cannabis should not be illegal.

Smoking cannabis should not be illegal.

Growing on public property is WRONG. People who do this are giving honest outdoor growers a bad name.

Karmas a bitch, but I feel that people who wrongly grow on property that doesnt belong to them deserve to be stopped and even punished. Large guerilla grows are the worst, those people SHOULD be locked up.


Well-Known Member
Growing cannabis should not be illegal.

Smoking cannabis should not be illegal.

Growing on public property is WRONG. People who do this are giving honest outdoor growers a bad name.

Karmas a bitch, but I feel that people who wrongly grow on property that doesnt belong to them deserve to be stopped and even punished. Large guerilla grows are the worst, those people SHOULD be locked up.
Since it's illegal to grow in any state without a medical license that sounds like 'I've got mine, fuck everybody else'.

Juan Valdez

Active Member
grow somewhere noone goes to...and dont tell ur friends
its ur friends who steal them
I agree, 90% of the time its someone that knows of you and what your up to!

It's sucks that people who have never actually grown before, think its perfectly fair to go stealin peoples plants just cause there out in the woods and not in your house!

better luck next time, and grow at alot of different places, not just one.


Well-Known Member
If you know someone that lives somewhere out in the middle of nowhere, you trust them and they're ok with marijuana in general.. I'd suggest talking to them about visiting areas around where they live.. As mentioned in previous posts, somewhere that nobody is going to go.. I've had friends that had grow sites that took almost 2 hours to walk to..


Well-Known Member
you wanna know where nobody finds pot growing.

in places nobody goes.

pick the shitiest terrain farther in the backswamp than the gators will go. up ravines that goats leave alone.

if you came in on a trail, your in the wrong spot

and many heartfelt condolences on your crop :-(

Hell yeah, that's the best advice you can give. My grow last year was in a brier patch so thick the deer couldn't get in it. By the end of the year I had worn a bit of a trail back to the woods where I got in. I could see tracks where deer followed my trail, got to the plants, realized they couldn't get out and turned around.


Active Member
Growing cannabis should not be illegal.

Smoking cannabis should not be illegal.

Growing on public property is WRONG. People who do this are giving honest outdoor growers a bad name.

Karmas a bitch, but I feel that people who wrongly grow on property that doesnt belong to them deserve to be stopped and even punished. Large guerilla grows are the worst, those people SHOULD be locked up.

Dude, seriously.

so people that hunt on public land are giving honest dear farmers a bad name?

would it be cool if it was a patch of pears?

you see alot of us live in states where if your found with 1 single plant on your property its "go directly to jail, do not pass go" im talkin impounding your house. ever heard the term zero tolerance? 1 seed in your car, 1 seed, and its called "intent to manufacture".

and what is public land for? and i never realized land could only be used for specific things. well what if it was a government spopnsered pot patch for research?? would it be cool then?

so if i go into the woods, and hike my way off into the back country, down some nice secluded valleys, across gentle babbling brooks awwed by the glory of nature, and as i gaze upon a beautiful woodland clearing, seeing the true diversity of nature as all the animals eat together. the perfect silence broken only by the sound of my .375 H&H magnum round tearing through a dear's skull.

so that would be cool right? but i shouldnt plant any pot there? cuz thats not what its for. i understand now. public land is for emergency defecation, lazy ass housewives to go on short walks, nature murderin, and emergency homeless shelter.

so thats what its for......right.?!??.


I have had good luck growing outdoors, Hidden in Plain site, I currently have 3 plants over 8 ft tall that should yield close to 2lbs growing on the side of my house and I wave to sherriffs passing my house everyday from my front yard. I have also spoken to most of my neighbors while standing within 10 ft in front of them. I have also grown in a neighborhood of duplexes before. It is amazing how I can walk dailly smokers right by them without them even being noticed. In fact no one other than who I have pointed them out to have ever realized what they were. I have found people just don't see them becouse they wouldn't think they would be there so they don't look twice. I will post Pics once I have harvested (can't now due to they really are in plain site and my house is on a busy road that someone might recognize by its setting, it is a pretty busy road). It may sound risky but, I have done it many times and I think the risk of a field on the middle of BFE is just as great a risk for me, that is were they are looking. and the love I can give my plants really pays off.


Well-Known Member
just put a couple here and there , i think personally that growing near your house or back yard is the dumbest thing you can do