where is a good place to grow outdoors on public land?

Growing on public land isn't very easy.
Teenagers in the area make it about 10x harder. Or a large drug (any drug that requires fast cash) community.
Both groups go around searching for ANYTHING that will give them money. Unattended plants in the woods=fast cash.

The only time its OK to plant on public land is if you are going to be around the majority of the time its being grown. Otherwise its super likely to get stolen.


hey if you could get some pictures up some pictures up sticher i would appreciate it, my buddy who i grew with this year did that and didnt seem to have a problem, idd love to see how yours looks, thanks


Well-Known Member
i grow outside every year and what i found best since i live in illinois is i go into a corn feild thats secluded get a short flowering strain rip up a few little patches big enough for 3-4 plants and come back middle of sep before the corn is ready to harvest. this has worked great for me no one ever walkes into a corn field and my shits done before the harvest the corn. but u have to be careful because all strains arent done this early and you dont want a big ass plow taking your whole crop along with feed corn


Well-Known Member
click here https://www.rollitup.org/outdoor-growing/208671-outdoor-2009-guerrilla-blackberry-patch.html and take a look at my blackberry patch grow (haven't updated in months but will soon)! i put them there when they were 2 and a half feet tall and ones in it's 8th week of flowering and the other is in it's 6th week of flowering. they smell skunky from like 30 feet away and are smack dab in the middle of a middle class neighbor hood. it all about disguising the entrance. oh and they are damn near 5 and a half feet tall. i've been out of town most of the summer and they survived my negligence.


New Member
Growing A PLANT on public land should not be something up for moral debate. Unless anyone can point out a significant difference (besides the big man(s) telling us no) between cannabis and any other plant in a forest growing, morally and hypothetically there would not be a difference.

UNLESS you are utilizing razor wire, etc. My brother already ran into one of those growing this year. Razor wire at neck height after a small hole. NOT COOL.

Best place? Somewhere nobody knows, therefor you can only answer this yourself. Find a water source in the middle of assfuck nowhere, and find a comfortable distance and good growing place.

Corn fields work real well, between the family SWIM is counting on harvesting 5 - 15 lbs this year. It's funny because the "state" police headquarters is a few kilometres from his grows, and they run heli's all night looking for them.
lol "public land" ? this isnt the 1800's bro.. There isnt any true "public land" left in the U.S.. Just mostly government owned parks... So the question really needs to be "where is a good place to grow outdoors on government land" lol