Where is uncle ben?

Uncle Ben was a trailblazer with good advice back when the good advice was way more hard to come by than it is today. Oh there is still plenty of terrible advice floating around, but I've noticed over time, the general level of quality has gone up on these boards. But man UB could always nail down your deficiency, leaf curling, weird thing happening, type of issue better than anyone else.
Uncle Ben is my favorite to read among members who no longer post.
I enjoyed this thread below on the defoliation debate.
Uncle Ben shows up on page two.
Another famous RIU Uncle shows up on page one. :)

(1) Fan Leafs. Blockers of Light Or Energy Producers??? | Page 2 | Rollitup

I remember reading that thread years ago and that post from Uncle Ben. Loved his posts. He's one of the main reasons my grows started getting better years ago. I started incorporating his wisdom into my growing.
Uncle Ben was a trailblazer with good advice back when the good advice was way more hard to come by than it is today. Oh there is still plenty of terrible advice floating around, but I've noticed over time, the general level of quality has gone up on these boards. But man UB could always nail down your deficiency, leaf curling, weird thing happening, type of issue better than anyone else.

There are a few more of us that can simply "look" at a proper pic and tell you what's going on.
Thing is? You get fucking tired of wannabe's trolling your post!
I don't go in the "PLANT HELP" thread anymore...... Just for that reason. Not to mention the "same'ol question a million times over thing!

Flushing is a myth
So is any "extended "dark period" before harvest
High P use in bloom - Tends to do more harm then good by most charting
High N and K will reduce THC production
You CAN manipulate levels of terpene's, THC and CBD..
UVB works - Thing is it usually isn't worth the investment in the "long run"
CO2 works - Thing is it's not really cost effective in large "commercial" settings
ETC, ETC, etc!
There are a few more of us that can simply "look" at a proper pic and tell you what's going on.
Thing is? You get fucking tired of wannabe's trolling your post!
I don't go in the "PLANT HELP" thread anymore...... Just for that reason. Not to mention the "same'ol question a million times over thing!

Flushing is a myth
So is any "extended "dark period" before harvest
High P use in bloom - Tends to do more harm then good by most charting
High N and K will reduce THC production
You CAN manipulate levels of terpene's, THC and CBD..
UVB works - Thing is it usually isn't worth the investment in the "long run"
CO2 works - Thing is it's not really cost effective in large "commercial" settings
ETC, ETC, etc!
Thoughts on harvesting right before lights on?
there was once a guy here "Brick top" which swore by the findings of the Uni Inst. of Leiden that reported otherwise. Never saw this study by myself though...

Yeah, I remember him. He wouldn't supply the study, nor can I find it... That's even digging hard at google scholar...
There are a few more of us that can simply "look" at a proper pic and tell you what's going on.
Thing is? You get fucking tired of wannabe's trolling your post!
I don't go in the "PLANT HELP" thread anymore...... Just for that reason. Not to mention the "same'ol question a million times over thing!

Welp, not even being cheesy , i appreciate ya stopping into the “ plant help “ section for that one time recently to easily diagnose my plant with the broad mite infestation.... it was showing the same exact symptoms of heat/light stress . In fact I’d still be chasing light distances and dimming powers if it wasn’t for you. While one plant took a hit , may even get chucked . I have stuff on the way to prevent further infestation.... regardless , thanks for stopping in anyway ! Wisdom is invaluable . I learned many years ago how to work on cars , and I’ve easily known how to fix problems for other people who hadn’t a clue . It’s like being a wizard lol for lack of a better word . It’s satisfying to know you can solve someone’s problems and relive their troubles ... for me atleast lol anyway , thanks again. Keep up the good fight!
Yeah, I remember him. He wouldn't supply the study, nor can I find it... That's even digging hard at
Ben is around - another site. A pvt one.

Ben: An associate of Jorge and a few other real old school folks.
Ever read the picture credit's in a Jorge book.....:o
Ben is rather occupied with his non cannabis gardens. He makes wine from his own grapes.

He, as have others of real knowledge here and in other places. Was trolled pretty hard by some,,folks.
He also had a non public issue and has left this site.

Oddly, sometimes I feel he has come back with another account.
Even though this person talks like UB. I don't really think it's him. Just not his style.

Thanks. Glad to hear he is still kicking.
I was reading through his old tips and tweaks thread. Then i thought thats a familiar name.. So i looked through my mail and sure enough i had direct messaged him some years ago.

I was here for awhile then gone for a few years...
Guess who else helped me a bunch...??

Thanks dude.
uncle ben died of AIDS poor old fella
taught me all i know about topping cannabis plants
are you serious? im new and i just got here because im investigating whether feeding nutes 20-10-20 (veg and bloom) is actually a thing (after seeing a 2020 video of bruce bugbee saying they only grow 20-10-20 in the university) and I found a post by Uncle Ben of 2012 saying he grows on that formula.
are you serious? im new and i just got here because im investigating whether feeding nutes 20-10-20 (veg and bloom) is actually a thing (after seeing a 2020 video of bruce bugbee saying they only grow 20-10-20 in the university) and I found a post by Uncle Ben of 2012 saying he grows on that formula.
The guy was an animal he loved partying.Ben sure lived a full life his weakness was ladies he had a passion for hookers and Chinatown.
Some have called him the Eazy-E of the weed world.The way I see it God needed a wingman and only Ben would suffice,Uncleben was recalled to heaven to fulfill that role.
are you serious? im new and i just got here because im investigating whether feeding nutes 20-10-20 (veg and bloom) is actually a thing (after seeing a 2020 video of bruce bugbee saying they only grow 20-10-20 in the university) and I found a post by Uncle Ben of 2012 saying he grows on that formula.
no hes on another site as mentioned in the previous posts hes just banned here which is why hes not on our forum anymore
uncle ben died of AIDS poor old fella
taught me all i know about topping cannabis plants

No I didn't, but good one! Did survive prostate cancer and 2 lumbar surgeries, how about THAT!

First post here in over 20 years. Occasionally post at the renewed OG site. Haven't done so in months, too damn busy.

Still crazy after all these years (but mellowed out big time). You guys may remember most if not all of my grows were sativa oriented. Just sowed a bunch of the oldies stock I got from friends and Kwik Seeds. Pure indica goodies like Cannacopia's Lapiz Mtn. indica, Sensi Kush, Afghaani 90 by Deep Chunk 90, Freak (Deep Chunk), etc. Got the 90s stuff from Kwik Seeds, a great company, lots of quality landraces.

Aches and pains of old age done got me down brothas. Am 73 now. Turned into a commercial niche farmer for a while. My passion for many years has and is still grafting and growing tropical fruit trees in a large greenhouse here on the farm in central Texas - mangos, avocados, pitaya, annona, citrus. Did some C99 backcrosses from the Bros. Grimm originals I got from Heaven's Stairway back in the day. Made seeds too recently. Those backcrosses were so stable they looked like clones.

Is Gypsy still around? Guy and I go way back. For example he gifted me some Zamal from a trip he took to La Reunion. Got them from a french breeder by the name of Christophe.

Anyway, hope all is well with ya'll. Hi Sunni, are you still at it? Regards!

(the real) Uncle Ben

PS - guess I can't do my old avatar or post pix until I've done a few posts. Is that correct?
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