where my guys at?


Well-Known Member
Can someone tell me if the other board is down? Sauce, Chef, Brew? anyone who knows what im talking bout drop me a line...I have a job I wanted to tell you guys about but I cant access them anymore.
not really a secret, I just took a job in Reno as head of cultivation and I have an assistant position available.
@BadAndy yes it is. There was a bit of some shit that went down, someone got their feeling hurt, and shortly after the site was down.... lame a little
Seriously? Popped here to see some friendly faces since it'd been a minute and couldn't get the other. Much love, all!
Reno is a lot like the springs, weather wise and such....the job is getting intense. Hopefully this will be wrth it in the long run
Reno is a lot like the springs, weather wise and such....the job is getting intense. Hopefully this will be wrth it in the long run

Reno 911 was a good show.

Treehouse is meh these days i only like theirn prices, twas better with the old crew back in the day
Well if were gonna mention badges

What is the current demand like for licensed mmj employees? Im sure tenders are more common and easier to get into rather than a growing position

Having smoked plenty of mmj past 7 years, ive grown beyond my old fascination and obessession over the product itself, i am interested in the customet service and inventory rather than focusing on hopes of trimming and handling weed. I mean, its just weed
just check out craigslist in jobs section mj,mmj,bho,co2,hash,extraction,mips,edibles,badge,support badge, key badge those type of search terms not all ads use the same tags for searches so use different ones
It's hard. But with your experience chewy I'm sure i can at the very least get you an interview with a place or two.

#lovemore #livemore
Can someone tell me if the other board is down? Sauce, Chef, Brew? anyone who knows what im talking bout drop me a line...I have a job I wanted to tell you guys about but I cant access them anymore.
Sup and you heard the tree house ain't the same without that Andy touch this is your Latin homie Carlos ..