Where next for the Us Military ??

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
iran is next , the media is allready softening the public towards it , every news channel in the uk lately is running storys on iran , its what they do to get people behind them by reporting bad things day in day out about iran .then when that 'breaking news' flashes up saying that' the US and UK have deliverd tactical airstrikes on key nucleur sites ' everyone will be thinking its justified .


Well-Known Member
Shud be mexico, but I predict WW3 will begin shortly with Iran. Trust me, the gov will find an excuse to invade them, and a nuclear war will start. Think the Modern Warfare series. Also, Israel is gonna get attacked really soon, and I mean a massive attack.


Well-Known Member
Shud be mexico, but I predict WW3 will begin shortly with Iran. Trust me, the gov will find an excuse to invade them, and a nuclear war will start. Think the Modern Warfare series. Also, Israel is gonna get attacked really soon, and I mean a massive attack.
Do you realise the resources and manpower that would be needed to Invade Iran , i think these words are easy typed but i don't think any USA president would think an Invasion of Iran could be achieved.


Well-Known Member
Do you realise the resources and manpower that would be needed to Invade Iran , i think these words are easy typed but i don't think any USA president would think an Invasion of Iran could be achieved.
That's why we have long range missiles and nuclear warheads. USE THEM.


Well-Known Member
So im guessin u guys havent heard that the US are putting martial law into affect. Soon the military will be in sthe streets and able to arrest and charge u w/o trial


Well-Known Member
And if they fire some backatcha ???
They won't if they're all annihilated. We have more than enough firepower to do that. Not saying it's the first option, it's way down the list but if it looks to be the best option. Then don't be a pussy and do it.


Well-Known Member
So im guessin u guys havent heard that the US are putting martial law into affect. Soon the military will be in sthe streets and able to arrest and charge u w/o trial
I hope this goes for combat veterans as well. Be awesome to arrest a few fucks on my street ;)

Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
They won't if they're all annihilated. We have more than enough firepower to do that. Not saying it's the first option, it's way down the list but if it looks to be the best option. Then don't be a pussy and do it.
Any country that has the ability to put a functional nuke onto even a half assed guided missile would probably have surveillance satellite access. Either owned or through a friendly country that does. They shoot, we see it with our satellites and shoot back in retaliation. Or we shoot them first, they see it via satellites and return fire. Either way the birds are in the air and these ain't pigeons who will return home. One side may get hit first, but both sides get hit in the end.
Nukes via ground? Now that is a different scenario.


Well-Known Member
As long as we have a democrat in office war is frowned upon. i was supposed to join the marines a few years back. then i did a little research and learned that america isnt worth shit lol definitely not my life


Well-Known Member
We shud invade Mexico, kill off all the cartels, overthrow the gov., and finally make it a decent country so that all the ppl wont feel the need to come here