Where to buy a cheap PC fan?? + rep


Well-Known Member
Where is everyone buying their PC fans for micro grows? I remember seeing a single PC fan, brand new for $20... too bad its not really in my price range. Where are you guys shopping?


Well-Known Member
A great place to find pc fans is at thrift stores! They've got all kind of old crap PC's for like 10 bucks, and you can just take the fans out and offer them some money, maybe a buck or 2. You can also find a power supply for the fans cheaply that way :)

If you wanna go through an easier process, www.newegg.com is the most reliable computer website out there.


Well-Known Member
Thrift shops, they also have cellphone chargers in the 3-8 volt range. I use at least 6 volt. Works fine on a 12 volt fan. Cost 1-2 bucks.
Also ask a radiohead if there are any used electronic shops around. There's a great one in Rohnert Park, Ca.


Well-Known Member
if u got a local computer/pc repair shop they may well have a pile of "obsolete" ones out back from repairs and upgrades. i've had stuff (for an old Pc i repaired) given to me for nothing this way :-P


Well-Known Member
+ rep to all. thanks again for the help. I'll continue searching Goodwill, Value Village, and other thrift stores. Hopefully the blast of smell wont catch up to me too soon lol.