Where to Buy Cocco?

Robert Paulson

Active Member
I live in the Portland area and I have called around to some grow supplie places and can't seem to find a place to get a good mix of cocco.

I use a hydro, ebb and flow set up with smart pots, currently with hydroton, but am thinking of making the switch to cocco. A couple of write ups on RIU have convinced me to give it a try. I would like to find a pre-mixed bag of cocco from a local supplier but if anyone knows of a good web site to order some i would appreciate the info.


Well-Known Member
man all shops should have it mate! thats like not having hydroton! haha id just try and order online anywhere. do a google search mate :]


Well-Known Member
I cant see hydro shops in Oregon not having coco handy. One of them has to have it, If you cant find it ready to go in a bag, look for compressed bricks of it. You will need to rinse it off with water, to flush any salts, and to expand the brick.

I dont have things that weigh to much shipped, its to taxing. a 5kg brick of botanicare coco at my local shop was $15, online is $34.