Where to buy hash/ bubble bags??


Well-Known Member
Hey guys im looking to order some hash bags. Im looking for the best price and discret shipping to the US. Anyone with a link to where they got them from? Im looking for the 5 gallon size but im confused on how many bags I should get or what micron size. Any help would be great!


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the link+rep

Do you have any experiance with them??
Anyone know what the difference is in the number of bags?


Well-Known Member
i bought the 5 bag set that is on top of the page. i'd buy them again.
ive used the same ones off ebay 200+ xs (estimate) and they just recently are worn out , be carefull not o scrape the bags with what ever your agitating the bud with( you may scrape nasty bag lining off and into you final product!nasty..


Well-Known Member
Top of what page Kevin? The ebay link??

I just looked at HTG's website, didnt see any there.


Well-Known Member
So does it matter what the micron size is???
the micron sizes and different sized filters that your product or hash goes through the biggest few usually have nothing worth keeping but as the bag micron sizes get smaller they collect the tiny resin glands (hash)... if u still have trouble theres alot of good vids on bubble hash making on youutube
you tube " how to make bubble hash? Theres a video from high times that explains how to make it and theres a link to purchase them on ebay.


Active Member
bubblebag.com still the best (long lasting, but not cheap)... aqualabtechnologies has great shipping (discrete as well) and good prices... there are others out there for cheaper, but why??? if you're gonna be running it for the long haul, wouldn't you want them to last???


Well-Known Member
bubblebag.com still the best (long lasting, but not cheap)... aqualabtechnologies has great shipping (discrete as well) and good prices... there are others out there for cheaper, but why??? if you're gonna be running it for the long haul, wouldn't you want them to last???
Thank you for your links. I went to bubblebags web site first because i heard they where the best but after seeing the price tag i wanted to see if anyone here knew where to find them cheeper. If you reread my first post Im not looking for "cheep" bags, Im looking for the best price. I want a quality prouduct like you said would last me for many years.

Headstrung, do you have a set of those sprung bags?? I heard they where pretty good from another member on here a while back, but couldnt remember the name of them. Thanks


Well-Known Member
Thanks Headstrung, I will post a couple pics of my hash in here in a couple weeks. I got a nasty looking plant with fluffy buds for the trial run.
Thanks for recomending them, i was told by some one else they where good but couldnt remeber the name of them.