Where to buy tent port sleeves with draw strings?


Well-Known Member
I'm a DIYer, and I'm building a tent. Where can I acquire those port sleeves for ventilation/wiring with the draw strings?


Well-Known Member
Take a square piece of cloth, roll it into a tube.... sew the seam.... then sew/fasten the edges of one tube end to your tent material... tada... sleeve...

For the drawstring, before rolling into a tube, on one end fold the edge over a string allow each end to come out a bit at the "seam" you would create above... tada... drawstring!

You could use other things to make ports into your tent like PVC pipe/fitting.... that's another avenue you could consider...


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the reply, I have no experience with sewing, and I'm unsure how to attach the "tube" to the tent at a 90 degree angle. Was hoping someone sells pre made accessories that I could tap on.

I'm also not convinced black and white poly is the best material for sewing...could be wrong. How would I use pvc, and have it light tight?


Well-Known Member
I think there is somewhere online that sells the actual tent fabric... an eBay store IIRC...

Otherwise you could get real creative and use something like a tarp and somehow attach (glue? sew?) the White poly to it so it's a super strong material and yet reflective... But I imagine the cost of the materials and effort wouldn't be as wise of a choice as finding a source to just buy the shit... I know I stumbled across somewhere once... If I find it I'll post a link...


Well-Known Member
i saw that tent material somewhere, but it was like $160 for a roll. i would try some old canvas chest waders or something similar, it doesnt need to be reflective. as far as sewing goes, search youtube for sewing videos