Farmer's Markets is a good one, just out of season

I actually met my last long term gf at a farmers market.
As far as my explaination of my ideal match, of course I want personality, compassion... Etc. I don't give a shit if she can cook and clean, I can definately take care of that department.
Just want to be highly attracted to each other too... I hear a bunch of married couples who say they rarely have sex anymore and don't want to be that way.
Okay, I think I need to reword what I'm looking for...
Where can I meet a stoner chick, I have no trouble picking up girls if I want, but I'm looking for someone to share the rest of my life with, and the rest of my life involves cultivating and smoking ganja... So where do all the girls on RIU hang out when they're offline?
I think a lot of it has to do with what I do, growing/smoking... I'm not about to open up to someone about my personal buisness, without being sure they won't dick me over... Or whatever, remember, the first rule of fight club, you don't tell anyone about fight club... The second rule of fight club, you don't tell anyone about fight club. So... Where do I find the perfect stoner chick, who's not a dumbass, I spent an hour at Borders with a High Times in one hand, coffee in the other scoping out chicks and nothing, not a single attractive girl to talk to.
Is it uncommon to have both beauty and brains, because all the pretty girls seem to give up on being smart, and skate through life just being a pretty face.
God dammit!
I work where there are probably 10,000 people everyday traveling through... I constantly see chicks checking me out, but can't do anything about it, they aren't from around here, just traveling through... I work at an international airport... Yeah, I drive big vehicles around airplanes... I could blow up a plane if I so wished... Terrorism doesn't exist. </rant>