where to get a duck?


Well-Known Member
does anyone know where to get a duck in the uk? or a website? lol
you guys dont have ponds around?

ive never been to the UK, but im sure you must have some :D

what do you need a duck for? will a goose work?

duck duck..................... gooooooosee


Well-Known Member
for some reason me mate wants a duck ( a real one) like a baby chick yellow one, i thought it would be so funny if we i go out on the weekend i bring out a duck n give it to her


Well-Known Member
well someone had to ruin it didnt they, anyway the ducks not for me and its pretty normal for people to have ducks in there ponds...........


Well-Known Member
you can probly get one off a farmer or at a farmers market,you should get atleast 2 tho,to keep eachother company,,,,peace


Well-Known Member
Hey ..I once bought a Duck in Maryland..well 2 actually. Hey that might be a good one for the thread I once .........


Active Member
baby ducks are cute but they take a little looking after and a little know how. I have poultry but wouldn't recommend getting someone a duck just cause they think its cute, ask your friend what a baby duck eats, if she doesn't know then she should do some reading on the subject first. as for the incubator well it isn't as simple as throwing an egg in and a month later voila! a duck.