Where to go for sound scientific growing advice

Interesting, I was actually doing some classes on the Khan academy. I didn't see a section with plant biology unfortunately, but that is definitely the credibility level I am looking for in a source. I am open to not only online sources but also books as well.
Start with biochemistry, although that requires a prereq or two. That will get you where you are wanting to go. Oh and take some math classes. That always helps
I'm loading a bowl.

I'm in.
It is only info to mull over in my slower moments. Am glad for the oddities and displays. Helps me learn what I should not do. And what I should have done.

All in good fun. We all would sit down and laugh as we passed our prized goodies. Too easy to vent in pretend anonymity. And we need release lately. PG13 violent behavior must be understood. LMAO.
It is only info to mull over in my slower moments. Am glad for the oddities and displays. Helps me learn what I should not do. And what I should have done.

All in good fun. We all would sit down and laugh as we passed our prized goodies. Too easy to vent in pretend anonymity. And we need release lately. PG13 violent behavior must be understood. LMAO.


Bong time.
No cage, lives under my deck. But I feed it. Today it was waiting for me. Not as cute as this time from last year, I had to get my camera. Maybe I am doing it wrong feeding it, well them. I have two I feed now but the male comes and goes.


As far as no-bro-science,
