where to grow


ok so im new to growing and the site so sorry about the noobiness but i want to grow outside so what i did was walk around my neighbors shitload of "private" property in the middle of no where (there there for only 3 months out of the year) and found a spot that i might like. the problem is that they tend to walk and atv alot of there property while they are there, . i am afraid that they might find the spot and might catch me while im tending to my plant. the problem with the spot is that since i live in the northeast there was a bit of snow on the ground so i couldnt tell if there are any bushes to hide it. its out in the woods but im still afraid that they might find it since there private property signs have been updated every year. my question is should i plant it there or not.
ill go into more details about this tommorow since right now im about to go to bed (snowboarding tomorow :bigjoint:) but yeah thats about it.


Well-Known Member
If you plant on your friends land, than get busted, your friend gets busted too. The difference is you got to jail maybe, but your friend looses the land, big business for local governments to seize than resell for revenues, especially in this economy. If you don't believe me do the the research. Oh and upwards of 85% of all drug busts come from pissed girl friends or pissed friends, be careful. Use state land, or corp. land. Go out with a compass, track the sun, look for holes. The more time spent looking the more acclimated to the search you become. When you stumble onto some bodies own little patch, don't rip, leave something to let them know you found it, but Do Not Rip, very bad karma. In the beginning just make it a hobby, don't delude yourself into becoming a millionaire, I did it sucks, mother nature can read you like a book, she knows. If your good you will see six figures, just take your time, a few seasons at least. Good Luck!


alright first of all they have 300 acres of private property and its out in the middle of nowhere (meaning nowhere near there house),so if i get caught it will most likely be by them and plus they are barely there(3 months of the year), and yes i already read that i shouldnt tell anyone, which i was much aware of. the second thing is, how do you find what's state or corperate land?

Space Angel

Well-Known Member
alright first of all they have 300 acres of private property and its out in the middle of nowhere (meaning nowhere near there house),so if i get caught it will most likely be by them and plus they are barely there(3 months of the year), and yes i already read that i shouldnt tell anyone, which i was much aware of. the second thing is, how do you find what's state or corperate land?
if you're ever in doubt about a grow area, then don't do it there!!!! far and away is much better than close and noticable.


thanks :bigjoint: and it is far away its like probably atleast 2000 feet away from any house and about 750 feet away from any path


if you're ever in doubt about a grow area, then don't do it there!!!! far and away is much better than close and noticable.
You can go in right at the crack of dawn take some binocs and camera you are after wildlife photos if they ask.
If thay find it you will be better off really early most are not out then. Be the PHANTOM!!!!:peace:

Space Angel

Well-Known Member
thanks :bigjoint: and it is far away its like probably atleast 2000 feet away from any house and about 750 feet away from any path
then I'd say you will be fine. don't make a beatin path, for ppl always wonder where it will go. try different routes to it and you'll be ok!