where to plant


hello all. i only want 1 or 2 plants for the novelty factor plus the satisfaction of using your own product (i'd be happy with half an ounce a month) but i'm stuck with where to put the plants. i have space in my bedroom but am unsure about what enclosure to put them in since it would need to be light proof and allow for ventilation. i've seen loads of enclosures online like the budbox etc but it starts getting expensive and i am unsure whether they are even good products. can anyone offer me any advice please as i feel completely lost. have done lots of reading so know what's required but completely at a loss where to start. thanks


Well-Known Member
You should visit the DIY section of this site, some AMAZING work in there for small growers to learn from.


thanks. i will take a look at that section.
was thinking about this, Homebox XS kit. The box is '60x60x120cm', how many plants can I grow in this? One, possibly two I imagine?
The lamp is Self Ballasted CFL 125W X 1. Is this sufficient for both veg & flower or do I need to use autoflower with this sort of lighting?
Also, how essential are things like ph, temp & humidity? I do not believe temp or humidity will be a problem given the environment but I am looking to spend as little as possible.. i'm rubbish at things like DIY which is the only reason I'm considering the homebox


Active Member
I recommend auto lower for what you are trying to do...especially with your lighting capabilities and yield requirements...two autos, with your means, should produce plenty to keep you and yours happy...hope that was helpful.


thanks for both replies. so that setup should be fine for two autos but not great for non-autos? good to know. i will treat them right then :)