Where To Set Up My Grow? 3x3 Closet Or A Corner Of My Work Room?


I've got a whole basement room all to myself. It has a 3 foot x 3 foot closet in one corner, and the whole room is about 10x10. I've got 12 seeds sprouting (3 peaking up so far) in peat moss as we speak. I'm expecting at least one or two seeds to not sprout or to fail in infancy. And I'm expecting (conservatively) at least half of the remaining plants to be males (but I know I can't determine which are which until flowering [right?]).

I'm planning on getting a 400W HPS (ordering it next week). I've also got two sets of floros (4 foot ones) with 6500k bulbs (for now, will get 2700k later if its worth keeping the floros around after i get the HPS).

So here's the question: where to set everything up: closet or in the open room?

Closet? Questions: Can I fit 8-10 vegging plants in a 3x3? Can I fit 4-5 flowering plants in a 3x3? How would I utilize the flouros in there - best I can think of is an A frame or just put them on the sides/corners? Will the HPS be too hot in the closet? How simply and easily handle air flow in & out?

Open space? Questions: best way to block off light? I'm going to be keeping my tools and other miscellaneous stuff in the other part of the room and may need to access them during the plant's night cycle, and don't want to disturb them. Best way to handle odor in the rest of the house? Privacy & security concerns? The main room will already have a deadbolt on it (lots of expensive tools), and the only window in the room is already boarded up (and faces the back of the house anyway).

Either: should I be concerned about lower room temperatures in my below-grade basement in the DC area? I assume the HPS will keep everything plenty warm, but should I do anything else (put the pots on palettes?)

Suggestions or other ideas (happy to consider building interior wall blocking off part of the room if thats "omg you'd be a fool not to, that'll be the best way to go"). Please keep the acronyms to a minimum (or explain them), I'm just starting out and most of the vocabulary is new to me. Please don't suggest hydroponics, a grow tent, or anything ridiculously expensive or hard to set up - I'm looking for simple and straightforward my first time out here.


Well-Known Member
the challenge of grow room design is how to balance two competing demands - first that the grow area contain as many photons as possible while being completely porous to heat. check some of my pics for growing in corner of a room. it multiplies the amount of light you have. that being said, with the amount of light you are planning you are going to need a lot of ventilation. i like to grow plants in 12" pots, which use about 1 ft^2 per plant. 3x3 would be a 9 ft^2 grow area. so yes 4 or 5 plants could easily flower in that arrangement. being below grade will help with cooling but it's not enough especially in summer.


Well-Known Member
that 3x3 space willl work fine for your plans. but dude that hps is gonna be expensive. if you think a $100 tent or a $30 dwc hydroponic system is expensive, that light will cost as much or more than a tent and hydro system combined. dont rule out dwc dude its cheaper than soil and easy/clean as hell


Well-Known Member
if i had the space, i would make a 4x3 or 4x4 tent and use a 600hps aircooled it is much more efficient than the 400. i would forget about the 3x3, use it for storing stuff and just use the open space to veg and clone, this way i could always access my room and have light to see, when my flowering chamber is undisturbed


Sigh, 4 replies, 3 of them say "buy a tent and/or hydros" even though my question specifically said I wasn't interested in going that route.

that 3x3 space willl work fine for your plans. but dude that hps is gonna be expensive. if you think a $100 tent or a $30 dwc hydroponic system is expensive, that light will cost as much or more than a tent and hydro system combined. dont rule out dwc dude its cheaper than soil and easy/clean as hell
It makes much more sense to me to spend $150 on a light and use soil than it does to spend it on a tent+hydro system and use 4 floro tubes. Thats basically what we're talking about here. Either buy the HPS, or use 4 T12s the entire grow. I know I'm starting out, but that seems like a no brainer proposition to me. Unless hydroponics or a tent allow me to somehow make lumens out of thin air?

if i had the space, i would make a 4x3 or 4x4 tent and use a 600hps aircooled it is much more efficient than the 400. i would forget about the 3x3, use it for storing stuff and just use the open space to veg and clone, this way i could always access my room and have light to see, when my flowering chamber is undisturbed
Don't have the funds or the need for a 600hps, nor do I want to start out with separate areas for clone/veg/flower. I will get there, but right now I've got a couple seeds and planters and thats what we're doing.

So with that in mind - how much heat will a 400hps actually make? What is the easiest way to move that out? One wall of the closet is an exterior wall, another is shared with the furnance/utility room. If I wanted to use the closet, and need to vent, it seems I could:

a) cut a hole in the wall up high and tube cool the HPS with some flexible duct (already have some) and a computer fan or two inline (or just buy a small inline fan)
b) cut two holes in the door, one high/one low, and vent out the top one with some computer fans
c) do nothing and hope it doesn't burn down.

So how much heat are we talking about, and which of those methods above sounds easiest/best?
who told you this crap? ...its a weed! hi techo is NOT the way to go,lets be real here,i grow an abundance..just floros and common sense.Man if I had one one these gizzmos,count me as a felony


New Member
Ok.....first question is this? You say you have the whole basement to do what you like with correct? IF you can leave the basement undisturbed during the 12 hour dark period, then you don't need to get all crazy light proofing the corner. Focus on light proofing THE DOOR LEADING TO THE BASEMENT. Then you could hang some inexpensive "panda plastic" to help reflect light in/keep light out etc. HOWEVER, IF this is a basement that has your washing machine, food, i.e. things that you or your spouse, children need access to constantly; then forget it. Forget the 3x3 closet as well. Worthless. If you can give your plants 12 hours of UNDISTURBED darkness down there, then go for the corner. Forget the 400 watt and get a 600 or 1000. Trust me, you will not regret it. I hear what you're saying about the expensive part of it. BUT, if you skimp and half ass things, you will be in for a world of frustration and pain. I really think anyone who wants to grow right should be prepared to spend a MINIMUM of 500-600 dollars. It will MORE than pay for itself the first cycle.

Grumpy Old Dreamer

Well-Known Member
who told you this crap? ...its a weed! hi techo is NOT the way to go,lets be real here,i grow an abundance..just floros and common sense.Man if I had one one these gizzmos,count me as a felony
Do you actually know that there is no such plant group called weeds - in order to be classed as a weed, all a plant needs is to be growing in a place where it is unwanted.
A rose bush in a field of wheat is a weed.

Saying that cannabis is a weed and then inferring that, because it is a weed, it doesn't require certain growing conditions to perform at its best is just plain ignorant.

Some strains of cannabis have been developed to grow perfectly under optimum "hi techno" conditions and the same plants perform poorly if grown outdoors.

Maybe you should try using some of the "hi techno" methods, see your results and then you can call yourself a fucking idiot and save us the trouble.

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
Dude don't use the whole room as its too big for the light you plan to use (wasted Lumens). You need something to reflect the light back onto your plants,that's why people advise buying a tent.
If you can't afford a tent then paint the inside of the closet matt white and use that but you'll only get away with a vented 400 watter in it (if thats the way you choose. Personally fluoros are shit,I raise seeds with a 250w envirolite cfl then bang under my 400w dual spec HPS. if I had to use fluoros all grow I'd be pulling my hair out,they only good for seeds/clones or micro PC case grows).
You could get a 400w Dual spec HPS (good for veg/flower) and a ballast for about $60-£75 depending. use your fluoros for raising your seeds/clones.
In the 3-3 space you would get 3 maybe 4 plants max,in 10L pots.


Ventilation is key!!Where ever you decide.Lightproofing,ventilation and proper lighting I perfer hps and MH for veg more blue spectrum.Research not only this forum and site.but youtube can answer all your questions.Do it right and you will be very happy at the end result.Be prepared to drop some cash but if you go cheap you'll get shit results and waste 90 days of your time.Research a good strain for indoors and something that can handle your climate.I live in Florida and before I added exhaust my day temps were running 99 and that was with 2 250 watt hps.Those temps can raise a dwc res temp and really get shit outta whack.You tube will save you alotta of time and money.And Rollit up too!!Plus I have had bigger harvest with less plants.Too many plants and not enough light equally on the lower branches cuz of over crowding gave me less weight and loose buds.It's easy to spend 1200.But if you do it right you could have 5 times that on your first run.I did 4 months of reading and running temp and humidity test before i even thought of crackin any seeds.Homework,homework,homework.It's fun stuff.Enjoy.Peace and keep it green.


Ok.....first question is this? You say you have the whole basement to do what you like with correct? IF you can leave the basement undisturbed during the 12 hour dark period, then you don't need to get all crazy light proofing the corner. Focus on light proofing THE DOOR LEADING TO THE BASEMENT. Then you could hang some inexpensive "panda plastic" to help reflect light in/keep light out etc. HOWEVER, IF this is a basement that has your washing machine, food, i.e. things that you or your spouse, children need access to constantly; then forget it. Forget the 3x3 closet as well. Worthless. If you can give your plants 12 hours of UNDISTURBED darkness down there, then go for the corner. Forget the 400 watt and get a 600 or 1000. Trust me, you will not regret it. I hear what you're saying about the expensive part of it. BUT, if you skimp and half ass things, you will be in for a world of frustration and pain. I really think anyone who wants to grow right should be prepared to spend a MINIMUM of 500-600 dollars. It will MORE than pay for itself the first cycle.
I don't understand how you think this is a helpful answer. I'm not going to spend 500 my first time out. My original question explains I don't have the whole basement. No explaination why a 3x3 closet is "worthless" In fact, your whole response is basically "get a bigger light" I completely understand the physics of more light = more lumens = more growing area = better and all that. I also see thousands of examples on this very forum of people using 400W for a couple plants just fine.

Ventilation is key!!Where ever you decide.Lightproofing,ventilation and proper lighting I perfer hps and MH for veg more blue spectrum.Research not only this forum and site.but youtube can answer all your questions.Do it right and you will be very happy at the end result.Be prepared to drop some cash but if you go cheap you'll get shit results and waste 90 days of your time.Research a good strain for indoors and something that can handle your climate.I live in Florida and before I added exhaust my day temps were running 99 and that was with 2 250 watt hps.Those temps can raise a dwc res temp and really get shit outta whack.You tube will save you alotta of time and money.And Rollit up too!!Plus I have had bigger harvest with less plants.Too many plants and not enough light equally on the lower branches cuz of over crowding gave me less weight and loose buds.It's easy to spend 1200.But if you do it right you could have 5 times that on your first run.I did 4 months of reading and running temp and humidity test before i even thought of crackin any seeds.Homework,homework,homework.It's fun stuff.Enjoy.Peace and keep it green.
I'm trying to do the research here and all I'm running into are (forgive me) fucking potheads. I've asked 3 or 4 straightfoward, answerable questions and almost all the replies just bounce around suggesting something else entirely. You said 99F with 500watts; what sort of room were you in and what ventilation plan?

To recap for those just joining us: where to grow, 3x3 closet or corner of a basement room. There will be at least 1 fan on the plants either way.
Closet route: I'm still trying to understand what I need to do to properly vent a 400W out of here.
Corner route: best way to block out light but still allow good air circulation. Just hang some plastic? Throw up some cheap walls (have all the materials for walls already) to build a larger space? How much "open space" would I need to cordon off to feel comfortable with the heat situation? Do I still need to put a fan on/near/in-line the bulb if I do this?

This will be most helpful if you try to answer the questions with specific answers and stop suggesting bullshit I'm not interested in.


New Member
Fine. People only hear what they want to. 500 your first time out? That is really MINIMAL. Save for a few months and DO THINGS RIGHT! But whatever. I understand you want to rush things. Most new growers with big dreams do. Throw your 400 watt light in a 3x3 closet. You'll do great! Be sure to show us that nug porn! It's nice to help people. But when they don't do the proper research, and want to ignore the advice of EXPERIENCED people. Well, they (you) just look like an idiot. Not really sure you even understand the basic fundamentals of growing. Back to the drawing board for you. You are getting answers suggesting something "entirely different", because your proposed way sounds retarded. Yes, you are running into "fucking potheads", because we have vast amounts of high grade weed we GREW OURSELVES. See ya round Junior.


I don't want to get in a big pissing match about it. Understand that it is frustrating asking questions and not getting answers. Its not just this thread either. I've tried looking for the answers to some of these questions, but every other post here people jump in with "nonono, do it THIS way" so that they can sound knowledgable.

So please accept that a) I'm not rushing it, I'm doing it with a budget and an eye towards STARTING small and GETTING bigger. Rome wasn't built in a day and I'm not looking to get the best biggest baddest buds the first time, I'm just trying TO DO IT. b) I am trying to do the research, and you're the one giving poor advice. c) there is nothing retarded about the concept of a grow closet.

For anyone still with us - I could still use some advice for the best way to vent a 3x3 basement closet. Circular duct with a computer fan or two through the wall to the utility room seems the best/easiest to me. Other thoughts?


New Member
You're just not getting the answers you WANT to hear. Good luck man. Sorry for my poor advice. When in Rome.... :)
400w is more then enough, just look past the ppl telling you otherwise. You don't need no growing tent at all, your cabinet Will suffice!
Here is what i would do:
-light and airproof your closet
-paint the inside with flat white paint
-mount the t12 floros in the four corners verticaly
Exaust the air from the cabinet into your boilerroom, if your 400w'r dosent come with a coolertube make one yourself and connect it to the exaust to Get rid of the hot air, use a 4" inline fan(cheap) and a 4" flexible pipe. Also have a tablefan boksing on the plants.
Intake: pref use a 4" inline fan to blow in air from the outside, mount a car air filter in the end of the tube


Well-Known Member
Maybe a cheap two-sided fence in the corner of your room made of pvc. Then get a cheap mylar blanket and wrap the insides with it. You will only need two sides if it is in the corner. Plus it will make it easy to move that side out of the way when you have to manage the system. It may not be ideal with the exposed top but I hope this helped your question some. If a window is by the corner even better.