Where Will These Be In A Month? PICS..


I only have a month, maybe a little bit longer to finish these up. They have been in flower for 3 1/2 weeks. 3 white widows and 3 pineapple express'..Will the buds be maturing by then? I have been seeing constant growth..
(grown under 400wHPS, very organic i dont use nutes...)

..sorry about the sideways pics haha



shit, will giving the plants a few extra hours of darkness make a difference or speed up the process at all? like 10L-14D?
or anything else I can do?


Well-Known Member
you'll just have to give them away if you have to. or destroy them? or harvest them and shit it's gonna take you a month to dry and cure anyways so i'm just plum out of ideas


Active Member
Probably not, it just takes time dude. If you were to speed up the process it would result in shitty weed anyways. It's in the last week or so where most of the resins come. I mean, if you have no choice, there's not much you can do. Chop 'em and see what you get.


Well-Known Member
If it is not up to your expectations, then by all means use it to made butter to cook with or make hash.

No reason to waist anything.