where's my north eastern girls?


New Member
where ya at?

NH HERE! this place will have a piece of my heart till i die. the trees, mountains, rich soil/farms/air and seasons

and the HUNNIES. my buddy laughed at me for suggesting that. umm, the girls are mind bogglingly beautiful. all i see this way are hot vuluptuous bootys and this time of year, wearing cute comfy winter clothes

I'm back in the northeast and lookin to lay some snowbunnies! ohh yes, renting a house 15 minutes away from a ski mountain i'll be working at :D told em i was coming from north dakota by phone and set up an interview with the gal promptly



New Member
i did it ONCE before...using my parents' iron (but covering with tin foil so as not to ruin it)

$12 for wax. $20 to $30 to pay someone else, for time/labor. I just paid $188 in ND for a transmission flush a few days ago. gotta cut some corners where i can

and it's a pre-season ritual to wax your own board