Wheres poonjoon?


Well-Known Member
Sad....For too many reasons to mention.

Self checks all around.

And I thought friends have each others info...Phone/address...Or i that just irl?


Well-Known Member
Plus rep to anyone who can post the video for the joke I was refrencing. I forget who it was but it's great he's talking about how he doesn't care about gays unless they start trying to touch their dicks together over his Cereal while he's at his breakfast table.


Well-Known Member
...I've sat up stoned many nights and posted crap with poonjoon...laughed so hard I blew bong water right out of the bowl once...don't worry SoA,poon will love this thread...smartasses like us love the feedback from members we may have offended while posting through our beer goggles...I wasn't at the ramen noodle party, but I'm sure he was just trying to be funny...oh,well...hope he comes back with more hooker stories, I love that shit!!......see ya


Well-Known Member
I think japanfreak has his nbhd jeans on to tight. You need to get a bigger size cuz obviously your cutting the circulation off to your balls. I think this is effecting your gaydar.


Active Member
Poonjoon gone?

Who will post witty non-sequiturs now?


Hide yo' kids, hide yo' wife, hide yo' hu'band, 'cause Poon's rapin' e'ryone up in har.

You can run an' tell THAT!