Where's the bud?


Active Member
So I'm doing my first grow, just some decent bag seeds with some CFL's, didn't want to drop mad bank on my first experimental grow. Things have been going good since mid February, but I had to kill of my males and hermaphrodite, leaving me with one female.
Now this female was very promising, lots of pistils, red hairs, some secondary growth, but the thing is, it hasn't much changed. There doesn't seem to be any of the actual bud material growing on the flower, just some red hairs and leaves. It's like its paused in its growth cycle. I've been giving it lots of water, it's got a nice pot, about 1 foot in diameter, and it's getting a lot of light from the CFL's (which were enough to keep all 6 of the originals growing), so I want to know what the experts think. Thanks in advance for all the help.



Well-Known Member
Unfortunately, in your 2nd pic, in the center, I see male parts, in your case, a couple of anthers. When the female gets pollinated, the flower cycle slows to a crawl as it shifts to seed production. Sorry.

At first, from pic one, I thought maybe you were still feeding it w/a balanced, all-purpose fert (cuz' of all the green on the buds) and needed to switch to a bloom fert, one w/less nitrogen and much more prosperous, but now I'm all but certain you've been impregnated.

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Well-Known Member
Man that sucks, better luck next time.

And good eye Mr. Fishy, seems youre always around with some great help, keep it up.


Well-Known Member
I think it can be done, though rooting will take longer and the clone would be hermie, too, I think.