Where's your stash at?


Well-Known Member
usually in my night stand, not really hiding it. just where i keep it in jars. i keep a small stash in the grinder in my end table drawer in the livingroom for smoking. it's sweet not living with mom and dad.


Well-Known Member
I see this thread has already gotten a bit of sarcasm and laughs.... but I must give my 2 cents.

I never hid my shit, even when i should have. always kept everything in my pockets at all times. the only time it wasn't in my pocket was when I was inside the High school (way back when I was there). And if you have to hid it, your doing something wrong. my parents never even thought I smoked, yet I always had at least a 1/2 ounce in my pocket.


Mota King
I actually just made this really cool stash box out of a deck of cards the other day, it could probably only hold at max a quarter ounce or so. I might use it to save roaches in. Other then that I used to take out the bottom drawer of my nightstand and stash my stuff under this lip that sticks out, so even if someone were to take out the drawer you couldnt see anything. I dont need to hide anything anymore though so usually its sitting in the bag it came in on my table in my room ready and waiting for me :blsmoke:

humbo jumbo

Well-Known Member
I always like to have a joint handy! I keep it in a highlighter which I just took out the back cleaned it out, fit a j in there!

And I keep my big stash inside my computer or my lava lamp! I love both of those spots, real good for smell and no one ever suspect it! Plus my computer case has a lock on it! :hump::hump:


Well-Known Member
as we speak i got the main stash in a kitchen cabinet. got some in a drawer downstairs in the bedroom. i think theres a sack in my car still from yesterday. got a bag in front of me, that im smoking. and thats all that i can think of right now.. i ALWAYS find bags in spots that i forgot about. but there are crumbs on every flat surface in the house, you could most likely load a couple fat bowls, jsut from walking to every room and gather it up.