Which approach would you go with?


Active Member
I'm looking for the best yield possible out of my 600w, and I have a slightly unusual shape space at 70x120cm (about 2m tall). I've just ordered 12 feminized seeds of various strains in an attempt to find a keeper and clone this one continuously. Both plans will begin with me vegging all 12 for 3 or 4 weeks until I'm confident they will fill the space, take cuttings of all plants, and then flower these with minimal training/pruning (as 12 medium plants should fill this space nicely anyway). Vegging will be done in a 60x60cm(1.2m tall) tent under a 200w cfl.

At this point, my initial plan was to veg each of the clones for 3 or 4 weeks, and then re-clone each of the clones again and veg until the originals are ready to come out, which should give me another copy of each plant vegged for 4 or 5 weeks to fill the space when the time comes. Then once the first grow is all done and dusted, I can pick my favorite and repeat this "double-clone" process just with the one favorite plant (and I guess only one or two mothers for the first clone in each cycle).

This approach seemed a bit wasteful to me though, as the first clones in each cycle are being potted up to be knowingly scrapped, only really serving to kill a few weeks so as the new plants don't get too big whilst the previous ones are flowering.

Therefore my second plan was to veg only about 4 - 6 clones but for the full 8/9 weeks (using a bit of topping/lst'ing I imagine), to give me a lesser number of plants but much bigger ones, and with no wasted clone step in between. The downside to this approach is that on the first grow I will need to choose the best looking 4 - 6 plants when the mothers are only about 4 weeks into flower, to give me enough room in the mother tent to grow them into big plants.

So I guess the real questions in the long run are:
1. Clone and then reclone 8 or so plants to pass the 8/9 weeks cycle time and give me 4/5 week old plants to go into flowering with each cycle OR take 4 or so clones and veg these into bigger plants over the full 8/9 weeks
2. If I chose the latter, will I be able to tell on the first grow which pheno's are looking the best about 4 weeks into flower?

Which would you choose!


Active Member
Forgot to add, this will be done in soil, and final pot sizes are to be decided (I have ordered 1L and 10L grow bags originally for plan A). Also, I have picked mainly indica type strains with shorter quoted flowering times (~8 weeks indoors).


Active Member
Ok so the more I read, vegging 4 plants for the whole 8/9 weeks to go into a ~ 2.5' x 4' space is going to be a tricky task, virtually impossible as I've now redesigned the space to stack the veg space ontop of the flower room, so now have less height to work with!

Considering a more normal veg time then of 4 weeks or so (however long was optimum as I'd be cloning twice anyway), do you think 8 plants would be best, or 4 topped/lst'd larger ones?


Well-Known Member
Ok so the more I read, vegging 4 plants for the whole 8/9 weeks to go into a ~ 2.5' x 4' space is going to be a tricky task, virtually impossible as I've now redesigned the space to stack the veg space ontop of the flower room, so now have less height to work with!

Considering a more normal veg time then of 4 weeks or so (however long was optimum as I'd be cloning twice anyway), do you think 8 plants would be best, or 4 topped/lst'd larger ones?
4 trained would be my choice. The plants get bigger and they have more attention. Veg 4 weeks flower will be 10 more minimum if you let them age. Unless all of the trichomes are cloudy don't pull them, you may go 14 weeks like me. I'm Jonesing for them to finish