Which bank has best Black Friday sales?

They have a fly-by-nite website. Not even an age restriction. They didn't bother to change the lorem ipsum entries.
So here is what I can tell you. I have chatted with folks on reddit (where I found out about them) that have grown out their gear and are very happy. I have viewed some grow logs on google. I have ordered from them for the last 3 years and get tracked shipping and never a problem (always beer cozies, pens, stickers, magnets or w/e come in the pack). They are legit but I would not call them a breeder any more than I would call JOI or WSS a breeder. I regularly see f1 beans for 10$+ vs less than a dollar (on sale) for photo regs. If anybody wants the best price out there for f1s, I recommend them highly.
So here is what I can tell you. I have chatted with folks on reddit (where I found out about them) that have grown out their gear and are very happy. I have viewed some grow logs on google. I have ordered from them for the last 3 years and get tracked shipping and never a problem (always beer cozies, pens, stickers, magnets or w/e come in the pack). They are legit but I would not call them a breeder any more than I would call JOI or WSS a breeder. I regularly see f1 beans for 10$+ vs less than a dollar (on sale) for photo regs. If anybody wants the best price out there for f1s, I recommend them highly.

Whats the chances these seeds are just as good as majority of seeds being sold for $100-$300? They $6 a pack right now