Which beneficial insects can work as a team?


Active Member
I'm looking to contract beneficial insects as a kill team? It's a tough mission... A mission they might not come back from... But glory and my undying thanks awaits those who accept this challenge!
Not all soldiers are equal and some just don't do well in a team. The bloodthirst and living for the battle seems to be a a trait of many of these mercenaries. Is this what makes good warriors!?!? I do not know.

Ok, seriously... Sorry, for my logorrhea! What insects could I use that would not kill eachother?
I don't want to spend the off-season with PTSD type nightmares of insect wars, that I'm responsible for! I want my plants guarded, without becoming the insect Hitler!
I've been using Vermicompost from Build a Soil. It has a few beneficial insects, and now my pots also have some worms in them.

Colorado Worm Company Vermicompost
Colorado Worm Company provides ultra-quality, tea-grade, vermi-dynamic compost containing very generous amounts of exchangeable cations. COWOCO vermi-compost is also high in naturally occurring trace elements and minerals. Our small-batch compost boasts a 10:1 carbon to nitrogen ratio along with a plethora of life which might include: Red Wigglers(Eisenia fetida), Red Wiggler Cocoons, Predator Mites(Hypoaspis miles), Rove Beetles, and small amounts of Springtails. Worm crafted on our small family horse farm in Western Colorado, COWOCO strives to produce only the most organic, highest quality, most available soil amendment on the market. Our privileged worms are fed a highly mineralized diet of Rootwise inoculated, bio-dynamic, fully finished compost along with native soils, native snowmelt river water, and local glacial rock dust. From our family to yours, cheers to happy, healthy, super productive gardening. We'll help make your green thumb.....greener!
I'm looking to contract beneficial insects as a kill team? It's a tough mission... A mission they might not come back from... But glory and my undying thanks awaits those who accept this challenge!
Not all soldiers are equal and some just don't do well in a team. The bloodthirst and living for the battle seems to be a a trait of many of these mercenaries. Is this what makes good warriors!?!? I do not know.

Ok, seriously... Sorry, for my logorrhea! What insects could I use that would not kill eachother?
I don't want to spend the off-season with PTSD type nightmares of insect wars, that I'm responsible for! I want my plants guarded, without becoming the insect Hitler!
I don't know if this helps but I am starting to grow plants that beneficial insects will be attracted to. I was trying to do some research on it and I was trying to find names of plants, but it looks like any flowering plant will do. So, I'm looking into dwarf trees that flower like Crepe Myrtles. Crepe Myrtles are know to attract aphids, but then they also attract lady bugs and green lacewings. I had a spider mite infestation indoor and it spread outdoors, but the outdoor garden resolved itself. It was very nice and comforting for that to happen.
Thanks guys.... I know that stuff, only I would like the safety of knowing exactly which beneficial insects hunt peacefully together and which kill eachother, incase I have to release some because of scarcity.
But you're both right... vermicompost and or worms and companion planting are always great tools.