which branches/tops turn into kolas?


New Member
20121103_094327.jpg20121103_094349.jpgthey're 35days old...33 in these pics...week one of flower...650 actual cfl Watts mixed spectrum20121026_140036.jpg...this is the set up...I've added a few bulbs since this pic but this is basically it....its my 1st grow so watching the plant as it grows is all new and a learning experience...the plants are flowering and I see where the buds will be forming at the tops and there's also pistils shooting out and gathering up at every nook and cranny of each plant pretty much....so i see plants in later stages of flowering and mine seem to be on track for the stage that they're in...so where n how do "kolas" form....do all the bud sites from the top below just fill out n come together to form a long single bud?....or do they grow from top up all new growth?...and anybody have any guesses at what these two will produce?


bud bootlegger
check out this video to get an idea of how they grow m8... :D
