Which Breeder has the best Northern Lights?

Only ones I've grown out were sensi, really a spectacular plant...poppeed 10 beans, ended up with 7 females, there were a few standouts, 1 has 0 odor but mega frost and potency, think it had a 4 inch stretch...structure wise they were all pretty uniform, except the stink bomb, was super pungent (made up for the no odor one for sure) but nearly doubled in stretch...probably should have kept it, but back then I had a tent made of pvc and garbage bags for veg and cfls galore, and a 600hps for flower in a 32x32x72 china tent....after looking at my Winner Notes of Da Grow....I might have to pick these up again, because space is unlimited or something....i ran the no odor one for a few runs, its actually the strain that got me all the equipment/seeds I could ever want....my cousin loves Nirvana, and for the price they are outstanding (Ice and Aurora are pretty outstanding also) good luck.....you *could* get as friendly as possible with a breeder, I'm sure the cut is still around of the back in the day stuff....talk to them at the cups if you ever go, or begin emails with them, you could get lucky! Good luck on your quest homie! Wish you the best!
I have read good things about red-eyed's mt rainier. I think @hyroot on here grew it/is growing it and said it was one of his better plants? There is a thread somewhere. I haven't heard much about red-eyed lately.....tough call on some of the newer breeders, one day they're top notch, the next they're garbage.....as far as reviews go anyway.
I didn't like Mt rainier. It made great ice wax. But the flavor of the flowers was strong pine. I don't like pine flavors. . They fox tailed a lot too. My buddy is still growing it though. He digs it. Of mine 1 pheno was fluffy and the other was dense. But the flavors were the same.

Redeyed has a bx5 northern lights. But sensi seeds has the best northern lights.
I got a cut of Northern Lights back in 03 from a friend of a friend who had recently visited Amsterdam. Not sure who's version it was, but wreaked and tasted of pine needles. My friends hated it, all they wanted to do was take a nap.
I had no luck with the BCSC seeds. I got 5 and only 2 lived. Only one was good to smoke and looked sativa, no weight to it. Peak seeds is the bargain here. Pretty consistent though I did get a leafy pheno my last run. It still smokes ok though.
I had one great NL pheno from PeakseedsBC but the others were pretty leafy! Wish I had her cloned cuz she was a beast. FWIW I've run almost his whole catalog and it's my least favorite of his.