Which breeder


Active Member
Hello, guys. After doing some research on low or no odor types i have found out that many people say Northern Lights is a great pick with no odor. But can you guys help me to choice a breeder? As it seems this strain is offered by many breeders. Which breeder offers the no odor strain?

1. Sensi Seeds
2. White Label Seeds
3. Pyramid Seeds
4. Genehtik Seeds
5. Nirvana Seeds
6. Vision Seeds

I'm talking about the Auto strains. Thank you guys.

Bilbo Baggins

Well-Known Member
Well from personal experience, Nirvana's Feminised Northern Lights packet of five from local grow shop £25 is my present grow, its 35 days from switching to 12/12 and there is no perceivable odour. Smelled up close the buds have a pine/slightly lemony smell, my grow closet has a carbon filter but even with the door open you have to put your nose right up to the buds to smell anything, the buds are getting sticky as hell and Ive looked at a bud leaf under my pocket microscope to see thousands of clear trichomes, All indications are that this is going to be good stuff. You are right about Northern Lights, I've grown it three times now and its put up with most problems you can think of, it tolerates both high and low temps, recovers from over and under watering. The smoke is decent, medium strong, good for watching movies and listening to music, and gives you a good sleep if that is a reason you smoke it. I would recommend it to anyone, especially newbies or people setting up a grow room or closet and maybe having temps fluctuating etc till conditions are stabilised. Heres a pic of my grow just a few days ago.Nirvan Northern Lights Day 16 Flower Group.jpgNirvana Northern Lights Day 16 Flower Jun 2013 1.jpgIf you need any more info post here and I'll get back to you. Good Luck

Bilbo Baggins

Well-Known Member
Just noticed you specifically want info on the autos lol after all that typing. well ive grown Nirvana's auto NL too, was odour free same as the regulars, but sorry to report only 3 out of 5 seeds germinated, still that can be the fault of the shop ( storing them too long ) or a fault on my part. but to your main point, autos are odour free and I would guess that most all seed versions of NL are low odour as its one of the most attractive aspects of the strain.


Active Member
Hello, dear friend. Sorry to reply this late but i wasn't able sooner. Thank you for sharing your experience and thanks for your opinion, it is really helpful to me. Have a great day and stay green bro :) .