which buds can i pick early?


Well-Known Member
If its not actually done it will taste like shit.

By cutting off buds to soon you also run the risk of stressing the plant to the point of popping nanners which will seed your plant.

I'd say its ill advised.

Silky T

Well-Known Member
I've got the exact same question and came here just now to ask that. I called it "mistake plant" because I LST'd it wrong. I was supposed to bend back the leaves as they pop out the top but instead I bent the plant sideways and all these branches you see are from the side of the plant growing up instead of out the top. I think it turned out okay. The first two pics are the ones I need advice on especially. Can I go ahead and snip this off and cure it? I leave for vacation in exactly one week. I will be gone for 10 days. I've got 4 plants. One plant is the one below but the others are still making new flowers so I"m giving them to a friend to babysit. Can I even cut this whole plant down and hang it before I leave? I've already started her on plain water. She can cure while I'm gone.

