Which fertiliser should I use now that my autos are starting to flower?


In my local growshop they have Bio boost, bio bloom, flower power, powdered guano, top max and delta 9. Has anyone here tried any of these?


Well-Known Member
I use the biobizz lineup on all my autos with great results. Bio-Grow, Bio-Bloom- Topmax, Bio-Heaven are the staples of very healthy plants and luscious yeilds. All organic with NO need to flush......
Personally, while flowering, I continue to use a tad of bio-grow with the flowering nutes BioBloom & Topmax....highly rec....


Thanks for your reply. When I originally started growing I used a fertiliser called "grower" but it had an adverse effect on the soil Ph so I now use a common multi-purpose fertiliser I bought from the supermarket which works a treat. I will go to the grow shop this afternoon and give them yet more of my hard earned cash :D