which game system?


Indagrow, I have seen your avatar pic a few times, makes me smile knowing there is a moto head around here like I. I rode sunday the first time in 3 months felt good putting it to all the youngins even though I have not been riding much lately. Sore as hell for a couple days and taking that first shower after all the blisters on my hand popped sucks ass. Lol
My first choice is my custom build gameing computer but for this with these prices I would without a doubt go for the xbox one. The xbox has since day one blown sony out of the water. More games, better title, better graphics. The issue right now is both are trying to go a direction i had involving cloud gaming and the stupid connect and sony version too. Only 12 years old little girls use those camera controllers they are just a huge security issue boring. The xbox controller is so much better then the ps4 also.The wii has alwasy been garbage and just for kids under 10.
I am guess sunni by your comments you havent computer gamed in a long time huh? I use my xbox controller with my gaming computer and a few other much more precise and rapid controllers. Pretty mcuh all games you can play on any console you can play on a pc but for free. Any controler you like is pc compatible also so as far as skill the pc will always have more skill and precision and will be much faster graphic wise if you built it right.
As it stands with Microsoft's, check in DRM, I'll not buy an XBOX. Really, If I buy a Disk, should I have to be verified by an online server? What if the server is down? How about in 10 years when I want to play that old game again, and the servers don't exist? I still play games on my SNES and Atari, will I be able to do that with XBOX one.
I am guess sunni by your comments you havent computer gamed in a long time huh? I use my xbox controller with my gaming computer and a few other much more precise and rapid controllers. Pretty mcuh all games you can play on any console you can play on a pc but for free. Any controler you like is pc compatible also so as far as skill the pc will always have more skill and precision and will be much faster graphic wise if you built it right.

yeah i dont computer game at all:roll:
I disagree, at least for FPS's. It is way easier to point and click than to kick-ass in FPS's with a controller. Also, with PC's, the playing field is not level. Better computers, better monitors etc. gives one player a significant edge over others. Not to say that PC gaming isn't grand, it surely is but the skill issue isn't valid in my humble opinion.

FPS's are total shit with a controller. No serious FPS gamer would use a controller by choice. There's a reason there's autoaim in almost every console FPS and there isn't in PC FPS's. There's a reason the original Halo was originally going to be a cross platform online shoot em up but they then ended up canning it. People using a mouse and keyboard were abusing anyone using a controller with such utter horribleness it would never be fun for those using a controller.

Now, controllers are fine interfaces for certain kinds of games, but certain other kinds of games they are complete shit. FPS games are one of those types of games. MMO's, RTS's etc as well.

Platform games? Sports games? Now you're talking console territory/controller territory.

Also, for me, I will probably just get a new video card and another storage drive for my PC.

As far as level playing fields go, no doubt, some folks will be at an advantage on PC because of the choices. But for most PC games these days almost any computer can run anything recent (my computer is 5 years old and runs everything current, and it wasn't a kick ass machine, just a solid one back in the day). Comes down more to your interface tools. For example it's a huge advantage to have a 120hz or old school CRT monitor for old school shooters. CRT's are still the best, but harder to find and a PITA to use due to sheer size/weight.

And of course you need a proper mouse as there are a lot of total shit mice being made these days. Pretty much anything with a laser is a pile of crap if you're a serious FPS shooter fan (relatively speaking of course) due to inherent bugs in all the various sensors and flaws in the physical design. More DPI isn't necessary for almost anyone as you can only have so many dots on your screen in the first place. Just marketing gimmicks. People using 5200 DPI have shit aim for example because they can't do pixel perfect shots (totally impossible physically).

Anyway I could talk about this stuff for a long time but probably not many others are interested.
im specifically speaking competition wise console sucks compared to pc , and i believe that pc takes more skill than some 12 year old on an xbox spraying and getting kills. that pc takes skills and accuracy to play

I think for certain kinds of games you will definitely find a more dedicated and hardcore crowd playing the PC version. Shooters in particular, but of course also RTS games and MMO's. Probably racing/simulation type games too.
How are you going to like a post that contradicts what you are saying? Thetester is saying it is easier with a mouse (less skill).

Most console shooters have at least some level of autoaim for a reason. Even games like MW. Most people don't realize it even, but it's there. Anyway, it's a different set of skills, no question. I guess the larger point is if you match up someone in a FPS using a controller vs someone using a mouse and keyboard the person, assuming they have relatively similar knowledge levels of the game and time played, the mouse and keyboard player is going to absolutely destroy the person handicapped by the controller.
I don't play video games ...but when I do, always racing ones..I would hate to play em on a computer. I like the trigger allowing variable pressure, nobody drives hard on brakes or gas all the time. Just thought I would throw that out there....besides my big TV couch speakers and being able to smoke and play at the same time:)

But seriously is ps4 the consensus on which console to get? I don't know anything about either
I don't use auto aim on my ps3 shooter games as it throws off my head shots. I love playing sniper type games like Sniper elite and sniper ghost warrior and you can actually turn off any auto aim or assist and have bullet drop and wind turned on. While I agree that there are very few people that are actually skilled enough to not use auto aim there are people that don't use it or want to use it. I also don't find run and gun a skill set. Anyone and I mean anyone, can run around just letting off rounds in close quarters combat and hit their target.

Playing a game where wind, bullet drop, caliber and breath comes into play at 700m for a head shot is skill.

Another note on run and gun on multiplayer; Anyone playing a game that is based on sniping/stealth and you run and gun, you are a little bitch.
But SirGreenThumb, why am I a little bitch for doing that in a sniper game?

I'm glad you asked.... You are a little bitch because while there are people playing the game properly and you run up on someone while they are looking though a scope is childish and unprofessional and it shows your lack of gaming ability for that type of game. If someone wants to run and gun stay out of sniper based games and stick to games like cod. Run and gun has never been and never will be the process of a sniper.

I lied, there is a game that I do use auto aim for, and that is GTA4 multiplayer, and the only reason is because you cant hit shit without it. Then again, I technically don't need it cause I usually fly a helicopter in that game. :roll:
fps console = spray kills
pc fps , = accuracy skills.

I don't think necessarily that is right. I started games way before consoles. And mouse accuracy is one of the un-realistic traits of FPS, imo.

I play Battlefield 3 a lot with a custom tricked out controller I put together. Trigger blocks so I don't have to pull to the bottom and release. It stops at the trigger point, same with the left for quick scope looks and release. Buttons on the bottom, spread out for each finger. That really helps. But, juggling aim with those spring progressions in the controller stick is much more realistic to swinging up a battle rifle. And in those situations that pop up, sprayin' is better than dyin' is better than prayin'. :)

I have way too much cheat practice with a mouse. All day everyday for 30 years, I mouse, not in games. :)
I wanted ps4 but as my friend puts it best. the xbox one is like that guy at the bar that tried to date rape/ take advantage of you but you became conscious, so now hes being all nice to you and acting like a friend. There are better games coming out for the xbox as well as if they decide to utilize the cloud storage and make online only games then the games will be overpowering the ps4 easily. I think the future is just looking better for xbox and if microsoft really wants to watch me jack it in my room, then let them. Now if ps4 was backwards compatible then this would be a different story.
I wanted ps4 but as my friend puts it best. the xbox one is like that guy at the bar that tried to date rape/ take advantage of you but you became conscious, so now hes being all nice to you and acting like a friend. There are better games coming out for the xbox as well as if they decide to utilize the cloud storage and make online only games then the games will be overpowering the ps4 easily. I think the future is just looking better for xbox and if microsoft really wants to watch me jack it in my room, then let them. Now if ps4 was backwards compatible then this would be a different story.

I have tape over my Kinect and my Laptop camera. Remove when needed.

I agree but the X1 is pretty pricy.
xbox yo everytime

Runs fine and lasts a long time. I've only had 3 in 20 years. And one I just picked up to swap up the graphic chip.

It will be a while before I move up. I have no interest in the social aspect. I have all that turned off.

BUT, if anyone is shit hot, Realistic or Veteran on Apache Air Assault, I need some help on a few of the Squad missions.

No way to finish some by myself. Heavy Metal for one.

Anybody want a play date? :)
None, I' go to GameStop and pick up the ps3 used for 189$.
Oh wait, i did that already. Slim, 80 gb too lol.
NEVER buy a console new, its over rated and over priced.
And there are never and good titles out at launch, i always wait a year.
headie so true.only game i want on next gen is bf4 but ill get that for pc .fps dominate on pc soooo much better.im hoping when or if gta5 comes out for pc it will have way more ppl online than 16 that the consoles can only support so sad.