Which is best already cured bud or straight after Chop frozen for resin ?


Well-Known Member
I've chopped 3 plants 1 is curing the other 2 are drying . Out of the 3 I got about 10ounces .

Originally if o was going to make hash I'd have gone down the road of freezing . But I assume it's just as good as using already dried and cured bud and a screen and trim bin .

Myt use this entire harvest . Is 10 ounces sufficient. Or if I decide to put another few plants into harvest would 10 ounces cured be good in the freeze for about 3-4 months .
It isnt clear what you are asking. Are you talking about making hash or not?
Yea Im thinking of making hash, but I'm not sure whether it matters that I've already in the process of curing the bud. Ie for the like of bibble ice hash hash. I'm assuming it doesn't really matter for keif production.

Also wondering if 10oz of bud would give much return . And if I decide to store the bud I have and top up with another grow . Will it keep in the freezer over 4 months or degrade
As long as your material is good to begin with, it should make good hash. It should last in a freezer fine for 4 months, as long as you dont have some smelly food up in it. I prefer using a dedicated mini fridge for long term storage....keeps the fiance from complaining about not having any space in the regular fridge.
You're good man. So the cured material makes probably more. But the chlorophyll will have broken down with the decomposition . So it'll most likely be an amber color. When you sift, smash, or wash the fresh wet material; it should be a clear whitesh color. But yeah, you'll get a better yield when cured. As far as storing shit, double food save and be alright.
Whatever the final quality, there is no denying that fresh from the plant has some compounds and qualities that rapidly degenerate otherwise, so it depends on whether one wants to capture that aspect of the experience or not. 0.02c