Which is preferred in a Flood and drain system...??


A quick flood and a longer drain, or a long flood and a quick drain?.
I will be using a reservoir a few feet away from my trays and will need to pump the water back on the drain cycle, so the preferred choice will be the basis of my pump choice.

I would prefer to go with a 12 volt caravan waste pump but the "head height" may be too high for it, i.e the height the water has to travel before going back to the reservoir, for it. So any other suggestions welcomed.

This will be the res I am going to use, it holds 90 litres:


Do fish pumps pull aswell as push water?

Many thanks for looking in...Cheers Rustic:-P


Well-Known Member
its not so much the duration of the flood cycle but more of how fast you can fill your table (or whatever) and drain it as the faster it fills the quicker it pushes out the stale air thats been sitting in the rock and the quicker it drains the more fresh air is pulled back in from suction, for the duration 30 min is fine 15 is fine etc etc... thats all up to you.