Which is Worse on Your Brain/Body?


From taking, researching and observing others before/after taking LSD or shrooms.

Which do you think is worse for your brain and body?
Long-term and short-term use.

LSD twice, shrooms once... Mushies gave me a massive hang-over like effect LSD only gave me a a graceful pleasant after effect.
I heard shrooms starve oxygen to some parts of your brain and LSD rewires your brain...so to speak.



Thanks. I have read that before... doesn't really give any real information :O

I'm thinking LSD has a much more impact on your life and if taken repeatedly you can perm-fry yourself.. 2 tabs later I still see the random trails and flashes. Shrooms it seems like it dies within hours.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't suggest taking either if you asked me. But you want to know which is worse so here is the link, you decide but chose wisely.
I jus read all of that.... and there was nothing about any dangers. It seemed like one person might have got PTSD. You can also get HPPD from long term, and usually not in moderation.

Really both are fairly harmless. Just like pot. Shrooms are worse in the short term for ME, because they upset my tummy, and give me weird body feeling that sometimes hurt.

There's been enough research on both to conclude they are pretty safe. I'd like to know why you suggest against taking either.


Well-Known Member
"observing others before/after taking LSD or shrooms."

Observing and judging by what? What are your "criteria"

I can think of:

Normality, functionality, looks, happiness, social skills, wealth, kindness, awareness?

Think about those.

And for LSD rewiring your brain I`m quite interested in metaprogramming recently. Thanks for sending that link here Heir Proctor!!

I`ll resend, give it a look ScoobyDooby

Mort Fink

New Member
Im gonna say Lsd cuz your rarely ever get or never I should say get two batches that are identical. Someone could fuck up a batch and really fuck up you and its harder to generalize the effects with such a varying thing such as LSD. Plus shrooms are natural and just seem less harmful in the end than synthetic chemicals.

Ellis Dee

Active Member
PTSD and HPPD can occur after one use of any number of psychedelics.

The perma-fry is placebo, sure it changes you but only because it teaches you. Many don't use this drug correctly and pay dearly.

@Mort: He didn't ask what is worse if I don't know how pure it is or whether its 'identical', no two mushrooms are identical, no two cells are identical, he asked about a specific molecule and ipso facto its pharmacological properties. Neither are specifically harmful. Besides most people making LSD know how to not fuck up.


Well-Known Member
Im gonna say Lsd cuz your rarely ever get or never I should say get two batches that are identical. Someone could fuck up a batch and really fuck up you and its harder to generalize the effects with such a varying thing such as LSD. Plus shrooms are natural and just seem less harmful in the end than synthetic chemicals.
im pretty sure LSD is LSD just different purites. If i chemist fucks up a batch , i highly doubt it would be LSD anymore. The impurites in it are so miniscule that i wouldnt really worry about the effects on your body...there are none with real LSD. Id say taking a honking 600 mg ibeuprofin would be worse on your body.


Well-Known Member
Mushrooms don't starve oxygen to parts of the brain - more stoner "lore". LSD can indeed "rewire" the brain but so does any prolonged or monumental activity. Reading books rewires the brain as does weight lifting and programing.

"Plus shrooms are natural and just seem less harmful in the end than synthetic chemicals. " Here it is again, the old "natural vs Synthetic" argument. Belladona and foxglove are perfectly natural and they will both kill you, there is nothing inherently less harmful about synthetic chemicals.


Well-Known Member
im pretty sure LSD is LSD just different purites. If i chemist fucks up a batch , i highly doubt it would be LSD anymore. The impurites in it are so miniscule that i wouldnt really worry about the effects on your body...there are none with real LSD. Id say taking a honking 600 mg ibeuprofin would be worse on your body.
Preach the gospel of ever flowing colors and love MOEDOWNONIT! The only reason why the government and FDA would research and clinically test LSD is because they know deep inside that theres a far more legitimate reason to use it as a social and medicinal aid. The question is not which is more harmful... but which one sows more benefits ;)


Well-Known Member
there are no medical risks to speak of - i have heard that some people are allergic to LSD - like one in 1,000.. i could be wrong, but i heard that was one reason the penalty was high for dealing it..
shrooms can be bad - if they are black and disgusting you don't eat them and you are fine..

the real repercussions are all psychological - can be fairly neutral unless you already have a mental disorder - then you are in murky waters..


Well-Known Member
I would say lsd, but my guidelines for ANYTHING in life, is everything is good in moderation, including moderation.


Well-Known Member
i say that it is dose relative - if you give two people an exactly equivalent dose of shrooms to lsd - you will have basically the exact same biological impact.. LSD and psylocybin have very similar trip creating neurochemical reactions.. i would vote for LSD being less harmful since it leaves no physical trace - it enters the brain and is gone within hours of injestion.. rumors about LSD being spiked with anything harmful are indeed rumors..


Well-Known Member
LSD is awesome, its a great painkiller for chronic pain too, I love it that way! A long acting painkiller, talking 1 week pain free after the trip :D Do you guys notice this too?


Well-Known Member
LSD is awesome, its a great painkiller for chronic pain too, I love it that way! A long acting painkiller, talking 1 week pain free after the trip :D Do you guys notice this too?

A bit off topic but you DO know don't you that mushrooms are supposed to be quite good for cluster headaches - and cluster headaches are supposed to be in the super painful class for the afflicted.


from what i heard its L that can cure cluster headaches, even House took it on the show lol, not shrooms.


Well-Known Member
A bit off topic but you DO know don't you that mushrooms are supposed to be quite good for cluster headaches - and cluster headaches are supposed to be in the super painful class for the afflicted.
Yea, watched some videos on it on youtube too. If I had cluster headaches I`d be off every season to pick plenty of mushrooms! Like I`d be listening to the law with a "suicide headache"... Damn man, people killing themselves from them, fucking laws!!