which light are better


Active Member
I don't know. But using cfls you might be beter off going to 12/12 sooner then later. I shoot for something around 2' before flower.
Just becareful about waiting too long to flower, i waited until mine were about 26-28" and then i flowered, now they are 5' 2.5 weeks into flowering and i have no more height, so i have to tied them down, just be cautious of your space.


Active Member
thanks so does all cfl lights have temp or just some anyone know cause i called and my lights are N/A for temp what the hell just my luck did i buy some bunk azz lights there bright white i guess. hope to hear some good new or should i take them back if i can find reciet how can the maker say not N/A on tem idont get it does it not have temp or what


Active Member
what the hell happen got kicked off and could not get back on but found out 2700 ur right stups can i still veg wjith it for a couple of weeks more


Active Member
hey stumps check out newbie central 1.5 months fred told me 6/18 to flower ever hear of it and 12/12 to veg whats up on that is that true or is he tring to fuck up my babies i dont know ill try it should i stumpie i have pic 2 on newbie 1.5 months old threat. take a look ang read some and tell me what i should do i like your advice .


Well-Known Member
that is ridiculous advice, and you should not trust what people say online most of the time in regards to growing times. many of the worlds top growers all will say the same thing. while 18/6 is the standard, the controversy still hangs with 24/0 time and whether there is a point of diminishing when the plant can't absorb any more sunlight and must digest it

in regards to flowering, the 12 / 12 time is a trigger, but can be altered such as 14/12 for a week and then 12 /12 i have heard, but cannot verify. this same information can be read in every magazine and forum on the matter.

DO NOT LISTEN TO HIM :). Also, i saw in the earlier posts you are doing a CFL hydro grow (I am as well). If you have any questions i don't mind helping out. Hope your grows going great


Well-Known Member
As for lighting, I have done a lot of research and can give you the straight answers from various educational sources and can explain it first if you need.


Active Member
well check out my pic on newbie 1.5 months and read the tread or post good shit ull get a lol os lmao for shur i got pic of my shit reply bk on 1.5 months newbie if u can thanks for the info.


Well-Known Member
well check out my pic on newbie 1.5 months and read the tread or post good shit ull get a lol os lmao for shur i got pic of my shit reply bk on 1.5 months newbie if u can thanks for the info.

good looking pic, but here are the basics.

until you enter flowering, a plant will only need around 100W of power (not the eqivalence, raw wattage) so whether its 5 x 20, or 1 x 105 W CFL (the big big ones), you are fine. For vegetative, you want the light frequency (K) to be 5000-6500. This is the blue tint.

For flowering, you will switch the lights over to K of 2700 or the orange tint. If you want, many growers say they experience better growth by leaving one or two 5000-6500 K to increase the range of the spectrum of light being absorbed to increase flavor. You will also need to double the amount of light if you want to have dense buds, as the flowering sites will have to be reached from lights at many different locations. Hanging them from the ceiling attached to mogul sockets with long cords (can be bought at lowes) is a simple solution, and I use it on all my mother plants.

I personally advise going to your lowes store, getting a 6 pack of 5500 K and 6 pack of 2700 K, and some dual attachments so 2 lights can be hung from the same socket, and you are set to go.

Also, because light diminishes so quickly over distance, CFL's should be placed close to the plant so there is a need for a fan to make sure the leaves don't get burned. If you have 1 fan, i suggest 4-5" away, but if you have good ventilation and low temps, 2-3 or 1" even is good. the more light the better and faster! make sure you take the added heat and transpiration into account by either watering more if you have soil, or checking your reservoir if you are doing hydro

+rep :)


Active Member
cool i have 4 26 watt lights on top 2'' with shield but there 2700k got on accedent and a fan and 1 2700 26 watt on each side of her in closet no vent beside opening the door every day. do i need 6500 too or should i get som more lights with 6700k im at 6 26 watt 2700 right now what would u do. get mor or 12/12 or is it to soon 10 '' but covered up the 2 leaves with more soil so abou 12 to 13'' 3x3x8 closet.


Active Member
so get some 6700k lights to how many can i use on an extetion cord with wout a fire i have a 3 way plug 2 are lights with shit load of 2 way spliter and a fan on hte other dont wont a fire got 3 boys 7 -3 and 1 year old dont wont a chance on a fire in my room am i safe to get 6 more but 6700k lights and some more 2 way spliters thanks for the info what about nutes dont have noe besides mg the blue shit have not used it it killed my other little babie so im scared. foxfarm heard lots about wher can i get it from u know lowes too.


Well-Known Member
Small cfl's don't do much at all if they are more the 2" away. The older the plant is the beter it can take the cfl's in close. I'm running my 80w at about 8" off the young starts.


Well-Known Member
you can run 8 or so on one line that would put you at 200w. you could probley run more but I shoot for 200-300 watts per line. or if you figure out the amps stay around 10 if you don't know what what all is on the line. most houses/apt's run 8-10 outlets on one 15 amp breaker.


Active Member
ther about 1'' away inch that is 4 26wat on top and 2 on sides i seen a little wilting this morning and had to move them up they were about 1'' away i guess 2 close but im good besides the 6700k huh dont wont a fire can it handle 12 lights on one extention cord. or run another one. so will it blow a breaker hopefully aAN not catch fire. I have ac runing in my roo comp tv lights alamr dvd vcr ext.


Active Member
390mAmp and its a meddium size cord whith a small one pluged in for the 2 lighs on the side. and it starting to smell in my room. I can make my own out of 10 gauge wire i work with lots of wire i brought home before i got laid off is that big enough


Well-Known Member
you can feel the cord at the ends. see if it feels warm or even hot. I've burnt the piss out my hand grabing a hot cord. be carefull. I think 10g would work for you. I'm thinking the heavey cords are 8g or 10g can't remember.


Active Member
what can i do about the smell with out puting a hole in my wall or celing for vent to go to the attic any way around it or just leave it like it is thats with 6 more 6700k lighs and splitters 2 can u get kick off her for a pic like i had earlier rock from fantatic 4 fing a bad ass chick fred at 420 said i would so i had to chang my pic anyone know


Well-Known Member
oh plant smell not hot wire smell. Any type of filter you could get or make would take a strong fan to run it. I use some stuff called nature's miracle in a spray bottle I just hung a rag. Old t shirt up and give it a spray every few days. seems to knock the smell down alot.