Which mushrooms?


Well-Known Member
Kindly explain which variety of mushrooms besides cubensis you have tried and how you found them.


New Member
I've tried to grow ATL#7 without luck.
I'm not surprised though because it was one of my first few times trying to grow any mushroom.


Well-Known Member
So no Pans? No Mexicana? No Cyans?
All of those seem way to rare to come across around here, most dealers have never even heard of such things. I feel like I am going to need to cultivate my own if I am ever going to experience them, but my past tries have been unsuccessful.

I did have a mild experience with some amanita muscaria in high school. I had only tried cubes once or twice before, but wasn't hesitant to try them because I had great times with the cubes. Well a someone offered me a few grams and just gave them to me for free, all I was told about them was that they were the Super Mario mushrooms, and I had no idea in the differences between any magic mushrooms. They stayed hidden, stashed away for a couple weeks while I waited for the right time. So one night I convinced a friend to take down the bag with me. Dosage wise I doubt we got the full experience, but effect wise I had a horrible time. Not long after consuming I got a headache which just made me angry. From here the night was over, just laying in bed regretting what I had done trying to pass out so I can wakeup free from the headache. Never touched them since and not sure if I am ready to.


Sorry, im a cube guy myself, been enjoying some Mazatapec that i recently got from my last flush, very very powerful visuals off this stuff. took 2.5g's yesterday and i got the most powerful visuals I've ever had off a Cube before. homegrown certainly is the best!


Well-Known Member
I'm still trying to grow pan cambo successfully. Had 3 trays that were looking pretty good but they all went tits-up to trich.

I think I may have eaten pan cyans once about 6 years ago. It was long before I got into growing so I didn't know anything about the different species. Reason I think it they were pans because the stems were very thin and there was no way they could have been cubensis for us to trip as hard as we did for the amount we all took. Could have been anything really. All I know is they definitely were not cubensis. I had some pretty strong open eye visuals for a brief time, which I never experienced even on larger doses of cubes.