Which node should show first pistils?


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, my plant is about 2 n a half months olds... I think I see white pistils coming from the 9th node... Onl reason I ask is cuz I thought pistils popped up on the bottom first... I'll have pics in a couple min my camera just died it's charging right now.. I would say they r just new leaves aboutto branch out of the node, but they r super thin n appear to b white.. If u have any ideas please anything would help, if u need to see pics just post a reply saying so, so I can know that maybe someones actually interested lol


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, my plant is about 2 n a half months olds... I think I see white pistils coming from the 9th node... Onl reason I ask is cuz I thought pistils popped up on the bottom first... I'll have pics in a couple min my camera just died it's charging right now.. I would say they r just new leaves aboutto branch out of the node, but they r super thin n appear to b white.. If u have any ideas please anything would help, if u need to see pics just post a reply saying so, so I can know that maybe someones actually interested lol
ok so u started vegging 2.5 months ago and now ur just starting to notice pre flowers. have u any idea what strain your growing, at a guess your growing bagseeds right and they probly under clf lights.reason i say this is because 2.5 months of vegging is a long time to veg without any preflowers - normally u get pre flowers after week3 indicas - 4-6 weeks sativas and ur at week 10 vegging, how big is ya plant, is it small or very stretchy, eitherway the pistles caylex / pre flowers normally 1st appear on/above the 6th node ,after that they fill out in every node once they start to flower. anyway as your at week 10 of vegg u need to either sort out your lighting regime or get a better lighting setup as what u have is very inadicuate for what you are growing as its taken so long to get to where you are now. it normally takes 3 months total . thats 4 weeks veg - 8 weeks flower (INDOORS) i guess u might be outdoors though, if so exept my appolgies and conclusions as outside 10 weeks veg is commenplace and you should be about ready to start flowering soon. so yes if your outdoors the preflowers are in the right place they dont pop up at the bottom of the plant 1st they pop up about halfway up the plant at around node 6-9+. but if you are indoors u need to rethink your operation a little and figure out why its taking so long because its gonna take u 3 times as long as it wud of with adicuite equipment ect ect. sorry to put a downer on you if u are indoors m8, but you dont wanna be waiting 6 months for buds wen u cud of harvested twice. all the best eitherway.

also if u post a pic u will get a more educated answer. so yur post it up.


Well-Known Member
Thanks pixo, yea well they have been outdoor plants, I live in ny, sun has been crap here.. No more than 6 hours of good light a day... So I started to opt for a cfl setup, just bought a few bulbs yesterday, plan on getting more today or tomorro.. So now I'm gonna do cfls for about 18 hours a day n direct sunlight for 6.. Direct sunlight is betterthan cfls right? Like comparing if I could get 24 hours of direct sunlight, compared to 24 hours cfl, is it worth it to toss it outside for the 6 hours to get direcctt sun?

N yea I hate how long it took. Fuckin shit conditions lol, idk of strain; bagseed, but I only keep seeds if I find them in something ridiculous... I found the seed in some putrid cheesey bud..