Which one of my girls looks the best to you?


New Member
Hey rd, how are the girls looking? Need some more porn shots quick! I need to see how my girl patricia is doing....lol


Well-Known Member
some of the plants have almost doubled in size since these pics were taken, i'm gonna get new pics up i have just been really busy


Well-Known Member
NEW PICS!!!:hump:
Sorry it took so long. They're all in the same order .



Well-Known Member
That shit looks fuckin sick bruh!! Those ladies are fuckin huge! Boy oh boy, did you top or fim them or what was the technique? Anyhow, they look awesome, and if those are 18 females, i would say like 9 lbs dry. lol. Fuck they're huge. At least 5 lbs dry. Nice work. Peace.


New Member
From the start I liked Patricia. I also thought Emily will come up from behind and outdistance the others.

The last group of pics I think "B" was looking tasty too.

They all are nice looking plants, it was hard to choose.


Well-Known Member
no topping, all natural..... I am expecting a lot more then 5-9 dry tho, i will actually be pretty pissed to only get 5-9 lbs off 18 plants outdoor.... anyone else wanna put a guess of how much dry weight?


New Member
no topping, all natural..... I am expecting a lot more then 5-9 dry tho, i will actually be pretty pissed to only get 5-9 lbs off 18 plants outdoor.... anyone else wanna put a guess of how much dry weight?
What do we win if correct......i say 10lbs max