Which product is best for leaf miners? Neem oil,Jacks deadbud or sns 209?


So my plants are showing signs of leaf miners gets worse every day tried to squish them does anybody have any experiences with sns 209 have some laying around.should I try it? Or should I go get captain Jack's deadbud or some neem oil?
Thanks growing in outdoor green house in soil.
I love the good ol neem, spray it in regular 2 week intervals for preventative maintenance and you usually good to go. Although often bad infestations might need a pyrathroid or something although those should be avoided! Mix some neem and a bit of dishwashing liquid and spray it on the plants, make sure to get it on both top and bottom of leaves and in the internodes. Repeat after 2 weeks, as it takes a while for them to starve and then also stop reproducing
I love the good ol neem, spray it in regular 2 week intervals for preventative maintenance and you usually good to go. Although often bad infestations might need a pyrathroid or something although those should be avoided! Mix some neem and a bit of dishwashing liquid and spray it on the plants, make sure to get it on both top and bottom of leaves and in the internodes. Repeat after 2 weeks, as it takes a while for them to starve and then also stop reproducing
so I was reading that I needed like sodium soap or something too. But I can use like blue dawn instead? And what ratio should I use or should I just use a drop I have a gallon pump sprayer how much soap would I use also.ive heard some say use it every couple 3 days maybe but u say just once every two weeks and do I wash it off after a while I mean the humidity in the green house might do it for me