Well-Known Member
Well if thats a pic of growmau5 used to argue all you need is white only thats kind of backwards. The reason its backwards is because he is adding other reds to his cob and quantum builds to improve performance. His latest video is about what he calls "light recipies" and the emerson effect where he's recommending having different colors on different channels so you can play with balances of whites, reds ect.Pictures of growmau5 weed grow does not justify cobs have adequate light the spectral graph shows cxb cobs and the addition of red and blues fills out the spectrum. Cobs do not provide the total photosynthesis energy available to plants just the minimum. Pretty pictures of weed grow but light efficacy and efficiency is not determined by watts alone.
Btw, thanks for proving my point. You provide pics of fan club leaders grow like that is the bible while down playing science. Some of us have been growing before some of you were in elementary school before google and such.
Current crop of crow leaders were kids on my last run and I knew the men that held those screen names for more than 20 years
Meh i already know what direction im going and its definately not white only.