which route would you take here


if u had cataract kush and want to maximize yield what would you do?

was thinking scrog and just let them grow. Or other option is to top and scrog.

however i read that indica's might not do well if topped and this is a indica/sativa type.

so which route?



Well-Known Member
I have some diamond OG (indica) plants that I topped after the 5th node and it topped 8 colas, they looks healthy and fine. I've never heard of indicas not adapting to the topping method.


I have some diamond OG (indica) plants that I topped after the 5th node and it topped 8 colas, they looks healthy and fine. I've never heard of indicas not adapting to the topping method.

Didn't say they wouldn't adapt, just saying I read it might not do as well as a sativa.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
depends on how your grow room is setup, what kind of lighting you use, what space you have to play with, heck, how much experience you have at a certain technique. Scrogging may well offer the best yields in a situation, but if at that situation, the grower has no experience with a scrog screen, then they will lose out on a lot of potential bud.