Hey guys,
This is my first post, and i'm not really a new grower (4 years), but I wanted you guys opinion on which breed of seed I could plant right around now and grow it in a small pot and wait until it is big enough to transplant. Then just kinda let it grow. I was wondering what seed would be the best and which seed bank to order from, my friend usually orders for me but he passed away a few weekends ago. I was hoping to get a few ounces, not really expecting much. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Sincerely, OP Weed
This is my first post, and i'm not really a new grower (4 years), but I wanted you guys opinion on which breed of seed I could plant right around now and grow it in a small pot and wait until it is big enough to transplant. Then just kinda let it grow. I was wondering what seed would be the best and which seed bank to order from, my friend usually orders for me but he passed away a few weekends ago. I was hoping to get a few ounces, not really expecting much. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Sincerely, OP Weed