which seeds to plant outdoors that work the best


hey guys,

I am very new to growing, but I would like to give it a shot. I have about 5 acres in our backyard. I only want to start with a few plants. But which seeds ( where to buy them) should I start off first with. Any other help or tips would be greatly appreciated.


Well-Known Member
If ya really only wanna plant a few I would go with feminized seed. So that you have a better chance for a harvest if you are only going to crack like 5 seeds. I would use attitude as the seedbank to get them from.


Thanks man. After I start the seed in like a party cup or something like that. How big does the sprout need to be before i transplant into my 5gal. bucket in the ground?


Hi Ronnie,

From my experience (which is limited) make sure your plants get plenty of light, don't over water and make sure your soil is good. Maybe worth mixing in some bag guano and worm casting to get the soil good before you start.

Also depending on how voracious your local varieties are watch out for birds nicking the tops of your seedling a wire mesh surround might be worth considering as well.

Finally as a novice myself, with the benefit of hindsight, I spent a lot of money on seeds when i first started growing thinking it would be easy (and it is once all you've experienced all the variables) and bought some expensive seeds with poor results. To get you started it might be worth considering a cheap outdoor mix from someone like Fantaseeds so if any thing does go wrong you're no too much out of pocket and the lessons learned will be invalauble for your next grow. If it goes well, then you'll have some nice weed and feel safe in the knowledge that next time your technique is good and so can splash out on some better seeds.

If your looking for excellent quality for seeds you could do a lot worse than look at Dr Greenthumbs (expensive @$150 for 10 but the dogs bollcoks in terms of quality) - A friend just gave me a sour 13 and it's a monster outside compared to other seeds i've grown.

What ever you do just enjoy the grow, watch and learn. Good luck!



Thank you for tips. I have been a lot of research before my first grow. I have about a month or so do collect my supplies and seeds.

As for the Dr. Greenthumbs seeds, is there a website I could look at?


Well-Known Member
White widow & G-13 haze grew pretty good last years Outdoor Grow. Check out my grow videos at MRCOUCHLOK youtube chanell



Thank you for tips. I have been a lot of research before my first grow. I have about a month or so do collect my supplies and seeds.

As for the Dr. Greenthumbs seeds, is there a website I could look at?
Just google Dr greenthumbs cannabis and it'll pop up at the top ;-)