which soil mix, limited selection


Active Member
My hydro store only carries b'cuz hydro mix and sunshine #4 . They seem to be very similar but have never used either. Heard alot of people use sunshine 4 but never heard of the other. The next hydro store is an hour away and shipping soil isn't an option.


Well-Known Member
You know every time I worry about my plants I remind myself the reason they call it "weed" is that it's a weed. I think your base soil, although important, isn't as important as watching your plants as they grow and giving them what they need. So as long as the starter isn't too hot, you should be good to go. You can always adapt later in the process. Sorry if that doesn't really answer your question, but I'm trying to say not to worry too much about it if they don't have the exact brand you are hoping for.


Well-Known Member
I havent heard of either... i will try google. I always say fox farm ocean forest... very popular on here and with my friends


Well-Known Member
sunshine 4 seems ok, if you can find a list of what they put in, post it. bat guano, among other things, is in ocean forest. but soil is important as you said....
and worm castings! sounds alot like ocean forest. tell the store to carry fox farm!!! and buy the sunshine 4


Well-Known Member
Dude, this plant grows in the cracks of sidewalks, drainage culverts, in marshes, in high deserts, by the side of the highway or anywhere you drop seeds or birds shit them. It grows without soil, in wet places, in dry places, in Miracle grow, in expensive soil, in plain dirt. It grows in sand, loam, clay. It grows under a bazillion different lighting conditions. It's almost impossible to kill unless you worry it too much. If it wasn't for the fact that we smoke a lot of it, and the law tries to eradicate it, it would be as common as dandelions. It's a weed.

I'm not saying you shouldn't care about the soil. I'm just saying don't go too hot with seedlings and pay attention to the leaves as it grows so you can correct any deficiencies. That's much more important than which brand of soil you get. Different genetics can cause plants to absorb nutrients at different rates. Besides, asking which soil on this forum is going to get you 1000 different opinions, they can't all be right, can they?

As far as me not caring because I don't go all OCD on the soil, that's just not true. I get great yields and I pay attention to my plants to make sure they are getting the nutrients they need.

Between the two there, go with the Sunshine #4. I've used it before and it's worked fine.

Good luck to you. Let us know how whichever soil you pick works out.