Which Ti nail to get?


Well-Known Member
I'm looking at getting a Ti nail and I'm unsure on which ebay model to get and whether it's worth it to splurge for the Highly Educated one and if so which one of the 14mm the 1.75" or 2.25"?
Thanks a lot! :hug:
I've got a HE v3 and am very happy with it. The only thing that would make me cautious about buying a nail off eBay is quality. I'd be a little nervous that someone might not be using the quality of Ti that they claim.... like some joker is making them out of cast iron, depleted uranium, or god knows what.... but that's just me being paranoid :)

As for the length, it's really about fit. I'd just make sure the total length isn't too long for any piece you plan to use it with.
Yeah, i looked up the eBay ones and they aren't polished so I think I'll go with the HE v3...I'm guessing taking the 1.75" would be the safest bet...unless there's an advantage to taking the 2.25"?
Yeah, i looked up the eBay ones and they aren't polished so I think I'll go with the HE v3...I'm guessing taking the 1.75" would be the safest bet...unless there's an advantage to taking the 2.25"?

I wouldn't worry to much about the length..... worst case scenario is that you buy the 1.75" and decide you could use the 2.25", just buy the 2.25" shaft for $8 and have both :)
The nice thing about the V3's is that you can buy individual parts for them... like this: http://aqualabtechnologies.com/conc...m/highly-educated-v3-2-25-titanium-shaft.html
Anyone know the difference between the 1.75" and 2.25" ?
Is it just the length of the shaft? (hehehehe)
Would it affect the hits?

No pun intended in the post above :roll: