Which to do first


Well-Known Member
Top again and then super crop or just super crop them and after 2 weeks switch to flower.


Ginger Viking

Well-Known Member
Wish I could give credit where credit is due but I cannot remember which member said it, but it was a great analogy. They said that an old grower they knew said that they don't supercrop anymore because it is like putting a kink in a water hose. After i thought about it it makes sense.
I think you should give LST a try. It will open your plant up for more light to the lower parts of your plant and it will also increase your yields.


Well-Known Member
I just used some normal string you can get at any hardware store but it was sort of a pain to tie/tape it down. They sell wire that's padded with foam specifically for plant training but it's going to be more expensive. That stuff is probably your best bet though tbh.

Ginger Viking

Well-Known Member
Any specific material to use to lst, twist ties and string was what I was thinking.
I've used standard pipe cleaners up until this year when I had a learning experience with them outdoors. I used a pipe cleaner to stake the base of a tomato plant and it actually started eating into the plant once the pipe cleaner started rusting. I've had zero problems with them indoors. Search garden soft ties on amazon. That or the like is what I'm going to


Well-Known Member
They said that an old grower they knew said that they don't supercrop anymore because it is like putting a kink in a water hose. After i thought about it it makes sense.
I like the analogy but don't find it to hold true.
I would compare it more to a broken bone. It develops thicker and stronger where the break heals.
I love super cropping more than any other training.
I like 4 tops, super cropped twice to form something like a swastika, for plant formation reasons, not political ones :oops: